Bonus Chapter: Blood is Thicker Than Water

Start from the beginning

"I am here at Ste-"

Kenny moved and Cara looked refreshed seeing that she is alive. I let a big exhale seeing my sister is breathing. "I thought I lost her," I sighed as I eavesdrop to what they're saying

What? Do you want to say something? Say it. Anything that is in your mind Cara. Tell everything to me

"I love you Kendall"

After hearing that sentence, my ears ignored the unnecessary words. I only heard the words that weakened my heart.

"I fell for you...twice"

"I was meant to love you Kendall ....only you"

I did not care much because my sister was not replying at all. You know the hope that she would reject her is still possible until I saw my sister smile and say, "I love you too Cara"

She never smiled to me that way. She never did. I don't think there's much I can force to them. I placed my phone inside my pocket. I went inside my car and stared blankly to the road where two girls are hugging each other. I have never seen them smile like this.

I reached for my bag and pulled out the gray letter, a blank paper and a pen. I took another glimpse of them specifically my sister who looked joyful. I started to write on the blank paper with a thought that I am Kenny's brother. With a thought that I wanted her to smile as wide as she is with her.


Cara's POV

"I told you I want you to experience the food there!" I intentionally sounded pissed. "Masa is so expensive!" She shouted back to me. "C'mon! I wanted to take you there. Can you just sit there, hold my hand while I drive? This is my treat and you don't have to be shy. I'm yours and all that comes with me."

"Look who is blushing!" I teased as I focused to the road again. "I'll thank Ian, Rita and Chris so can I borrow your phone? Mine's dead," Kendall requested. Without any thoughts, "Sure." I hand her my phone and let her do her thing. I, too, wanted to say how grateful I am for assisting this cutie.

I was driving when I noticed something on the window at the back of the car. "Wait up." She did not ask why which is another trait I like about her. She knows when to ask. I pulled to the side and went out. "What's this?" I saw a gray letter along with a white paper.

I quickly unfolded it and I think I know this handwriting. I'm just not sure who...

To the most stubborn girl I met,

I won't waste ink telling you who I am. Just remember that I am around. I will be watching you and Kenny. I love you but I love her too.

My dad used to play guitar for us back when he was still alive so buy a guitar again and this time don't smash it. Learn to play it for her. She will feel safe. Don't let her clean her house alone. She is weirdly too clean and even a bit of dust has no place in her house. Make your Fridays your movie night with her or date night. Stop going to clubs. She loves sci-fi with bit of horror and romance. Weird? Yes, she is always like that. Love her with all your heart Cara. Never let her cry alone. If you must, cry with her.

I think she would love another puppy too so might as well consider buying another one. YOU ALWAYS STUDY WITH HER AND MAKE HER FAVORITE COFFEE. Do your homework. Don't rely on your wealth. Build your future with my sister. Try to exert effort and she will be happy to see you getting serious in life. Make sure she falls asleep first because she sleep walks. Keep herself with you always even when you are sleeping. Chat with her when she talks in sleep. I swear she can be as honest as she always has been since we were a child. She's one of the best in cooking, I think she should go to a culinary school. Help her.

When the two of you are away, make sure she is being busy with a book. She gets lonely so reading a book helps her forget that you aren't there. Buy her favorite genres. She would tell you her hopes and dreams. She would share secrets with you and I am expecting you will ALWAYS listen and never get tired of her. Always tell her that she is beautiful. She developed a low self-esteem and I know a compliment from you will help her know she is a lovely, young lady,

If you make her cry because of being a shitty, stubborn and arrogant brat, I will make your life miserable as ever. I will not care if I used to love you. You hurt my sister, I'll hurt you twice as hard.

Behind the trees, above the roofs


I gently folded the white paper and unfolded the gray. I saw my own handwriting but still not sure of when I wrote this. Ohhh. I think I know why I wrote this. This is the letter I wrote if she did not reject me. "Hey... these all happened these last days!" I shouted outside behind my car.

I don't'll come

BUT I made a list of what I definitely want to experience with you

1. Cook together (I will be careful this time!)

2. Jump off the cliff on our spot (Do you trust me?)

3. Go to horror house WITH YOU ( I trust you though)

4. Devour cheesecake and cotton candy together on the top of the ferris wheel in a sunset (I can't wait for this)

5. You will sing while I play guitar and beg money on streets (Thrilling, right?)

6. Play under the rain AGAIN (I would never get tired of this cos we can take a bath together after! XD )

7. Sleep together with Snow (Like a family)

8. Slow dance together (Be my lady)

9. Be a badass together at Berkshire (You'd be a cute badass!)

10. Kiss

"Hey what's the delay miss eyebrow?" A sweet yet strong voice shouted from the window. "Hold on," I smiled as I hid the two letters. I wonder where Paul is right now. "Come here Cara. I'm already missing you." She rolled the window down and looked out to me. I just hope he'll find his true happiness in life someday. I replied to the girl whose head is outside the window with her long hair falling straight, "Do you?"

"Yes. Every second without you is..." Kendall's eyes wandered looking for the word. Her arms were on the part where the window rolls up and her head is resting on it while I stand outside in her front. "Is what?" I asked. Come to think of it, the 10th item on the list wasn't really executed the way I wanted it.

Kendall looked like a child with the way she is smiling. I will never get tired of this face forever and I know that forever is a long time. Her eyes sparkled when she found the word, "Wasted!"

Then I kissed her. Not only to complete my list, not only because she is darn attractive but because I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.

Wow my memory is really recovering.

Our lips did not move, maybe because she was shy and I wanted a sweet kiss just like in movies. No words can ever describe the feeling you get when you kiss the right person. You just get thankful you lived because you had a chance to experience this. I hope every person in the world will get to experience this.

It's been a great ride writing this story. Never did I imagine that I'd have a good number of readers. I guess CaKe is really popular.  I hope the story impacted all of you in some ways. Thank you for the kind messages and comments throughout the process. Don't worry if I have free time, I'll be writing scenarios about their relationship like how the go shopping, fight, go on a date, etc. but not a story. Just bonus chapters :)

The story is officially over  but we all know that the real CaKe is just about to start ;)

-all the love!

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