boy or girl chapter 66

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Lily - I understand that before you move you wanna know the sex of the baby

Emma and Daniel - yes we do

Lily -  we I can help with this it's a magic baby device it tells the gender

Emma and Daniel - ready

Lily - OK here goes congratulations its gonna be a wizard cause its a boy

Emma - wow Danny a boy I know how much you wanted a boy  our first boy

Daniel- yeah I'm over joyed but I love all our kids the same I wouldn't trade this life for anything

Emma- me either I Love you Danny

Daniel- I love you em

They kiss for a long time

Daniel - our parents are gonna be so happy

Emma- let's call them and andi and Diego Eric to

Daniel- OK

On the phone

Their parents - hey guys

Emma and Daniel - hey we have more good news

Their parents - really in really happy voices

Emma and Daniel - we are having  a boy

Their parents- that's amazing they say with cheer

Emma and Daniel - it is we're happy our first boy we to go get packing

End of call

Knock knock

Daniel- I'll get it Daniel opens the door to see Eric

Eric - hey Daniel nice to see you again  they hug

Emma - Danny who's at the door

Daniel - look who's here em

Emma - Eric  I thought you were still in new York

Eric -I was but I had to pop right here

Emma- you popped right to us so your magic getting better

Eric - yes

Daniel- nobody saw you use magic

Eric- no so how's the baby

Emma and Daniel - great and we found out today its a boy

Eric - I'm gonna have a nephew

Emma- yup speaking of witch I have to pee

Sam and Lola - hey what's with all the noise uncle Eric hey

Eric - hey girls so you both happy about your baby brother

Sam and Lola - yeah but when older he better out of our stuff  our lives are hard enough with magic and dangerous with out him now we have to  train more

Emma and Daniel - he will learn what his destiny is maybe he already knows

The Story of daniel and  emma every witch  way By Quanisha poolWhere stories live. Discover now