Honeymoon like no other chapter 17

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Daniel -so how do wanna spend our honey moon

Emma-maybe we could go to Italy 

Daniel-OK I'll go book a flight

Emma-Daniel we don't need a flight we can use magic and go right now

Daniel-OK but we need somebody to watch the kids and it can't our parents because they don't know we all have powers 

Emma -we can ask andi 

Daniel-are sure shell' say yes 

Emma-yes I am

On the phone 

Andi -hey em you OK 

 Emma-yes we just wanted to know if you would watch Sam and Lola while we go to Italy for our honeymoon

Andi- em I would love too but what do if their powers get of control

Emma -you can call lily and the Council

Andi-ok I'll do it 

Emma-thanks Andi

Daniel- so what's her answer

Emma-off to Italy we go she said yes

Daniel-let's go tell the kids 

Emma- Sam and Lola come here

Sam and Lola -yes mom 

Emma- your dad and I Are going to italy you and your sister will stay with andi while we're away 

Sam and Lola -OK we'll miss you hugs and kisses see you when get back

Daniel and Emma we love you  girls 

Daniel-off to Italy

The Story of daniel and  emma every witch  way By Quanisha poolNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ