Festival of colors chapter 20

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Daniel -we should go to the festival of colors

Emma- yeah before we leave italy 

Daniel-let's go cause went we get back home we have to talk  about the becoming full witches and really controling their powers

Emma- I know they have powers already but each day they are getting stronger

Daniel -let's go to the festival and talk to the girls when we get back

At the festival the tour guy - here we have the color of friendship and love

Emma-the color of friendship that's perfect for Andi

The tour guy- we have the color of family

Daniel -i'm takeing some home 

Emma- this place is wonderful I just l ove italy I'm gonna go find a present for the kids 

The tour guy -italy  has the most amazing views of Italian life

Daniel-Emma we go have one last look at Italy

Emma -you know it

So emma and daniel take one last walk in beautiful Italy before going home

Emma - this was unforgettable

Daniel -yes is was let's go home I miss the kids

Emma -me too let's go

The Story of daniel and  emma every witch  way By Quanisha poolWhere stories live. Discover now