Lola's appointment chapter 32

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Daniel and Emma- get up aweetie we have go for a check up 

Lola-  I am ready for today I need good news 

Sam-you will get it I know it 

Lola- thanks for saying that

At the doctor 

The doctor-nice to you again lola  how been healing

Lola- good so far 

The doctor - let's check your arm OK wow it's healing nicely but it is a little tender and needs a little more healing time 

Lola- what does that mean does it mean I can't be active 

The doctor- no it does not mean that it just means keep takeing your medication and when your arm starts to hurt you take a break and relax it 

Lola- so I'm free to get off bed rest 

The doctor-yes but push to hard and I'm gonna do check ups with 

Emma-I told you everything good again

Daniel- you are sting baby girl we knew you would do it bounce back 

Sam- see you are ready to be up and out and we will take it slow 

At home andi and diego come by 

Andi- what did the doctor say 

Diego -yeah lola off bed rest yet

Daniel and Emma- yes the doctor said she can be up and out and keep taking your medication and to take it slow other wise she is OK and happy get back to magic we will all get back to magic 

Andi- have you heard lily and the council 

Emma-we didn't tell them about what happen we didn't want to worry them they worry about us enough already and this is our to handle solo this time 

The Story of daniel and  emma every witch  way By Quanisha poolWhere stories live. Discover now