We're home Chapter 21

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Daniel-girls andi where are they

Emma- maybe their in the backyard

Andi-hey your back how was Italy

Daniel-great were are the girls 

Andi- in the living room

Emma and Daniel- we missed you and we got gifts two italy hand made festival of colors flags

Sam and Lola -thank you their beautiful

Andi -what did do in italy 

Emma- we went to the festival of colors

Daniel-and we went to a italy music  concert

Andi-that sounds cool

Emma-and daniel took me to see the most beautiful doves and we took one last walk in italy before coming home

Daniel - andi we got you a gift too

Andi - you didn't have to

Emma -we wanted to thank you for watching the girls

Andi -it's so nice a italy flag that represents friendship 

Sam- we are happy your back

Lola- I think we have to tell them about our powers

Sam- not yet they just got back we'll tell them tomorrow

The Story of daniel and  emma every witch  way By Quanisha poolWhere stories live. Discover now