Chapter VIII

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"This is not the end of the beginningnor the beginning of the end. It's just the beginning."

Anha POV:

Hardik gave me a bouquet of white roses before entering the room to meet her. Looking at her appearance I was beyond terrified, she no long had that glow on her face, she looked drained and pale, the sparkle in her eyes were replaced by a grief. Not knowing how to start conversation with her I just stood there holding Hardik's hand tightly to ensure he is by my side.

"Hi. I thought you were not going to come and meet me after what I have done with you." There was a grief in her eyes it was an awkward moment and I was a bit taken back how to respond to her. But I have steeped towards her bed side and hugged her, she was off guarded with my step by quickly recovered and hugged me back.

"Past doesn't matter to me Rita. I hope we had a good relation before having a bitter past in our life." I have replied honestly not knowing what to speak to her. There were fresh tears rolling from her eyes down her cheek. "And I want you to maintain the same relation by forgiving me for my terrible mistakes I made in my life."

Her voice was hoarse, guilt was clear in her emotion I just stroked her tears and gave a quick nod. Before we were going to talk further there was someone clearing their throat. Looking in the direction of the voice I smiled sheepishly by looking at Hardik. "Well, I feel like a third wheel between a romantic couple interrupting their romance." His voice lightened the mood in the room, which caused us to smile at his teasing comment towards us.

Before he speaks much I interrupted him by asking Rita to continue what reasons made her to take such a awful step in her life. At first she was hesitant to tell in front of Hardik but I have convinced her to tell us what has happened. He himself offered of leaving the room but I was stubborn of having him with me for my support. I felt like being selfish about him staying with me and being much dependent on him in my life. But I was least bothered to care about all these feelings and stared towards Rita to continue what was going on with her.

"After you seeing us on the other day in his apartment, I felt very bad about what I have done with you. I even asked him to apologize to you, but he was like there was nothing wrong we did to you. Even though I knew I was wrong I came to apologize ample number of times but had no courage to face you.

He started to convince me that we hadn't harmed you, but I felt guilty for my action towards you. But I was helpless for his action cause I was madly in love with him. I was missing my periods from two months, feeling all the symptoms of pregnancy I went to a local store and had a test at my home, which confirmed my thoughts of my being pregnant.

Yesterday after finding about my result I went to meet him to explain about the situation. But he declined to accept the baby as his and left me. You know karma is a bitch which will never leave you, now I'm facing the results of my karma.

Not knowing what to do I felt helpless and took this awful step which made to even forget about my baby growing in me. But luckily I was saved by my family now I'm here begging you to apologize and pleading to forgive me." She was sobbing quietly, but my mind was stuck about the baby.

"And baby, what happened to the baby?" absent mindedly I placed my hand on her belly and started rubbing it gently not wanting the baby to suffer for his or her unmade mistakes. After my action Rita smiled which made me to frown. "After my check up in the hospital doctors had confronted to my parents about my condition. At first they were angry but now they are ready to support me and my baby."

Realizing about Hardik I turned my head to look up at him. His hands were now fisted into a punch and clenched jaw and anger is flaring in his action, even though I wanted to confront him I was a bit taken back scared of him. He responded when I am going towards him."What kind of sick person would do that to anyone. How can he show his back to his own blood, what that asshole thinks about himself playing with girls life and showing his back to his baby? That bastard deserves more than being punished, he need to be punished in such a manner know one in the world will dare to repeat it again."

By now I am his side rubbing my hands on his arm to calm him down, his actions were softened now. "I know Hardik you are pissed but I'm glad that, that monster is not present in any of lives which I care the most. Yes I have felt depressed and attempted to kill myself but now I feel shame towards my action, how could I forget about my baby?" Rita replied to Hardik's action and was holding his hand.

Hesitantly Rita asked Hardik to leave so that she can have some girl talk with me and Hardik left the room after that informing me he will be waiting for me at the waiting room. " Do you love him?" she asked me.

" Excuse me? " I was taken off guard by her question and can't even think where does this come in her mind.

" Okay, I sought of see this love in his actions, I mean look at him the way he looks at you, his need to protect you, take care of you anyone can tell that he in deep love with you."

"Okay, firstly he is not in love with me nor am I and secondly we are just friends who supports each other when they need the other. Nothing less nothing more, is that clear with you? And stop talking stupid and start thinking about the new person who is going to get colours in to your life." She just nodded and hugged me and bidding my bye I left the room and went to meet Hardik who was waiting for me.

We made our way towards the car and took our seats. I kept silent in the car drive Hardik was concentrating on the way in front of him and I was lost in my own thoughts. Why in the world would Rita think Hardik loves me? Even though I like the thought of her, but I don't want a broken girl as me to be in his life who always need his help.

I want him to have a good girlfriend in his life who always supports him, loves him and take care of him. I am broken and can't give him that love which he deserved in his life. I felt a pang of jealousy in my heart thinking about some other girl who would share life with him. But this is not correct so that I need to keep my feelings for him at a bay that I would my friendship with him.

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