
"Pardon?" Ha they both look so confused.

"Good. The bastard who split up my family is dead. Now I also know why my mother left. For years I hated her. Now I know she was just trying to protect us."

Chris looked at me sympathetically but Knight beats him to saying anything.

"Now that you know your an orphan and the story behind it, where is your brother? He should know this too."

"He's with Jasper's aunt." I replied simply.

"Which would be where?" Shit.


"Cora? Where are they?" Chris sounded upset.

"Technically I wasn't lying so don't get mad at me!"

"Cora, where are they?!"

"He's dead." I whisper.

"What?!" They both say.

"How?" Knight asks at the same time Chris asks, "How is that not lying?"

"He was hit by a car a few weeks ago. Died instantly," I lied, "And technically I'm not lying because she's dead too. Some guy tried robbing the house when she was alone and killed her. That was the day before we came here."

Hopefully they are done with the questions. How the hell do I explain that more?

"Sorry bout that sweetheart." Knight said though he still looked suspicious.

I can tell he was about to ask something when suddenly the front door opened and in walked Jasper and Patrick with sodas in hand.

"We're back!" Patrick yelled.

His twin rolled his eyes before replying, "Way to state the obvious."

Patrick retaliated to his comment by starting a play wrestling match with his brother.

While they were being siblings, Jasper came over and sat next to me.

"Got you a Mountain Dew." He says as he hands me the familiar green bottle.

"Ooo! My favorite!" I say and take a big swig.

He laughs. "I know. Anyone would know."

"That obvious?"

"Little bit."

I take a playful swing at him but he easily dodges, of course, and just grins at me while I pout.

Throughout all this playfulness, I was watching Knight. The second Jasper walked in, he stiffened and glared at him.

We're screwed.

Jasper finally seems to realize another guy is in the room and puts his arm around me before turning to Knight.

"Who're you?" Way to be nice about it.

Knight scoffs. "Calm down lover boy. I'm more likely to go after you, not your girl. The name is Chris Knight."

Jasper tensed and looked at me with a face showing my thoughts.

Knight looks at Chris. "That's him. The scent matches exactly."

Chris looked shocked while Jasper and Patrick looked plain confused. "What? No, he can't be. We tested him, he's 18 already."

"Chris, what's going on?" Patrick spoke up.

Patrick was ignored and Knight answered Chris.

"He was obviously lying. A vampire's nose never lies. Where's their luggage? The couple I was chasing had nothing with them. They came from a small town hundreds of miles from here and left just two days ago. I followed the scent through a tunnel and ended up in the back of a library not far from here. Where did they come from?"

The New Guy in TownWhere stories live. Discover now