When you find your soul mate, you will start having dreams involving them. Eventually, the dreams will get to the point where you search for them again until you see them. Most vampires don't find their soul mates until years after they have changed, but there are rare cases where they find each other before that time.

Hunters are real too. They can not kill a vampire who has done nothing wrong but they can challenge a newly turned one for 1 year however many times they want. Usually they lock up the vampire in a room with no windows for days and without blood or food then send a very armed person in to see if they give in to the hunger. If they do, the hunters have every right to kill the vampire. Other times, they will just challenge the vampire to a straight out fight, no weapons, just one on one. They do that to see if the vampire can control himself or herself when it comes to the unexpected strength.

Hunters are allowed to split up mates but in no way harm one of them. If they are both vampires, they can't really try to get one to become a hunter but if one was human, they could get inside their head and try to get them to think their mate is evil and will kill them. This has happened in the past and happens still all the time. There are many covens of hunters who work together in numbers, but sometimes it's just families or someone out on revenge. The most famous hunter is Chris Knight. He works alone and had killed his own mate when his mate turned him. He shows up randomly, and usually whoever sees him doesn't live to tell the tale.

Could Chris Knight be the Chris my mom meant? Wait...what is the twins last name?

I had to stop reading there because Cora mumbled something in her sleep and started rolling around. A lot.

"Cora? You ok?"

She started to really roll around so I put the journal back under the pillow and wrapped my arms around her. She kept thrashing for a little bit but soon stopped and jerked awake in my arms, causing me to jump.

"You good?" I ask.

"No..." she grumbles.


"Yea...bad one."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really right now...maybe later?"

"Ok... um Cora?" Might as well prepare her for the 'interigation'.

"Yea?" she sounds worried. Oops.

"I have to tell you something..."

So I told her everything I overheard.

*Cora P.O.V*

Holy shit. My dad was a hunter? My mom had a vampire mate too? Why do I find this out after having a horrible nightmare?

"Cora? There is something else. The twins are hunters too and suspect me as being a vampire."

"Ah fuck!!"

"Yea. What is there last name?"

"Random question. It's Cacciatore. Why?"

He lets out a sigh of relief. "I read some of the journal and my mom had said that a really famous hunter's name is Chris Knight. She also told me in that vision thing to watch out for Chris. I think Chris Knight is who she means, not your buddy Chris."

"Oh. Ok." I completely forgot about his moms warning.

"So do we let them know we know your dad was a hunter and you know about their world?"

"I don't know. I think it'd be safer to be oblivious. Especially since they suspect you as being a vampire and their whole family is a family of hunters."

"Shit. True."

We sat in silence for a few minutes before I spoke up again.

"So what else did you read in the journal?"

"Nothing we don't already know."


It got quiet again but not an awkward quiet. Suddenly, my face is turned towards Jasper and his lips are pressed against mine. After a few seconds, he pulls away.

"Sorry, just had to do that..." Awe he's blushing!

"It's ok," I laugh, We should probably get some sleep." I suggest.

He nods and pulls me towards him. I turn around so my back is against his chest and he kisses the top of my head.

"Goodnight Cora."

"Goodnight Jasper."

Only a few minutes go by and already I can hear Jasper's breathing deepen, which means he's asleep. If only my nightmare would leave my mind.

*flashback to nightmare*

I was walking around my old backyard and noticed something poking out of the ground near the big elm tree. Going towards it, it looks like a piece of cloth. Getting down on my hands and knees, I start to dig it out. Finally, I got a good amount of dirt out of the way only to stop digging once I saw what I was digging out. It was a human arm. By the looks of it, a young boy's arm. Suddenly the arm started moving and digging its own way out of the ground. I backed away in horror but only made it a few feet before I felt frozen. I couldn't take another step or make a noise. The arm continued to dig itself out of its hole and soon more parts of a body appeared. Soon, I was looking at a small body I knew all too well. My brother. He looked up at me and a look of horror came across his face. Next thing I knew, his neck twisted all the way around yet he was still standing. He, or his body, ran at me in inhuman speed. I screamed and that's when I jolted awake.

*End of remembering nightmare*

I shivered just thinking about the horrible look on his face, causing Jasper to shift in his sleep behind me.

Ah well...better prepare myself for the awkward as all hell conversation tomorrow...

The New Guy in TownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora