"Yes, Peyton. I'm sure. Don't worry about me. Now, where's that hug?"

Nora knelt and the tots couldn't resist running into the arms of the woman that had cared for them so well. Nora held their warm bodies in her arms, savoring the contact. She didn't want to let go, and if it weren't for their squirming, she wouldn't have.

"Oh, I missed you guys so much."

"We missed you too, Nora. Did you have the flu?" Anna asked, Nora as she touched the sparkling flower pins that Nora had in her hair.

"Something like that, sweetheart. Something like that. Still getting over it, but it's not contagious - I swear!"

"Good. We were thinking that you abandoned us." Peyton commented, his voice so woeful, and Nora saw clearly, the young, vulnerable young child that Peyton was. She closed her eyes briefly, realizing that they probably thought that she was like every other person who came in their lives - inconsistent.

"Never. I was just unwell. Won't happen again. I can promise you that."

Just then Mary walked in on them, with the goods.

"Oh, children! I wasn't expecting you to be here. Why aren't you in your playroom?"

"No. It's alright, Mary. Let them stay. They are keeping me company."

The youngsters were happy to oblige and sat on either side of Nora. Mary placed the tray down and uncovered it. The pups' jaws fell to the ground. Who could blame them? Fresh buttermilk pancakes would have anyone drooling.

"If I get food like this, I wanna be sick all the time" Peyton exclaimed.

Nora shook her head, laughing at the young tot.

"It's not your food, it is for Miss Nora."

The tots' faces fell in disappointment and Nora's heart just couldn't bear it. She looked at the five pancakes in front of her and then at the two children that were round the table.

"I mean, but there's no way I'm going to be able to finish all of this by myself. If only I had two people to help me." Nora said, feigning displeasure.

Nora pretended not to see the two hands that were waving eagerly in the air.

"Hmm. I guess I'm going to have to go with you two."

That was all that needed to be said. Mary had to get extra utensils quickly before the munchkins ate through the table.

"Mary, why don't you have a seat and eat with us." Nora offered, as she poured Peyton some of her milk.

"That's quite alright, dear. Not necessary."

"Mary, please. You wait on me hand and foot. Take a breather. Have a grapefruit."

"I don't think -"

"I'm no longer asking."

Nora hated to pull the "authority" card, but it was the only way she could get Mary to cooperate.

"Oh fine. If I must." She grumbled.

So, the four of them chatted and laughed, as they all shared a filling breakfast. Nora was happy to be around their jolly personalities. It was just the medicine she needed.

After they were all done licking their fingers, Peyton and Anna all but dragged Nora up the stairs and to their room to play. They were so just ecstatic to have their friend back. Nora sat on the ground and was more than happy to read to them, sing, and play hand games. However, after an hour of the rambunctiousness, Nora felt drained.

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