Katherine always knew in her heart that Clint would never leave SHIELD. He loved this place, he loved his job, and he loved being a hero. It's part of the reason she hated and loved him; his passion for wanting to help everyone is something that always inspired her. She always wanted to be a hero like he is; Clint was her guiding light. He has always believed in her, always placed his bets in her. 

She loved him so much that mere words wouldn't be enough to explain how she feels about him; truly feels about him. Everytime Katherine looks at Clint; she feels it in her chest. It lets her know that what she feels is true; that she can't ever picture a future without him in it. She'd do just about anything to keep him safe because if he was to ever die on her.. 

well; she would just have to die with him because Clint Barton is Katherine Throne's whole entire world. 

Katherine was so consumed in her thoughts that she didn't hear Clint coming into her medical wing room. She looked up, smiling instantly when their eyes met. When their eyes met, that's when she felt it in her chest when he looked at her. She knew it was true, genuine and he would never hurt her. For so many years, she had been an idiot by tricking herself into believing that he has been hurting her, hurt her. When in reality, all Clint's ever done is protect Katherine. She knows that now and now she's going to return the favor. 

"Hey.." Katherine smiled weakly, trying her best to not show that she was anxiously waiting for some bad thing to happen. 

Clint smiled, pulling a single rose out from behind his back to hand it to her. "I just came to check on you before I head off.." 

Katherine was smiling, accepting the rose as she suddenly looked at Clint confused. "Wh-what..? Did you say take off? Take off where?" Katherine felt her heartbeat rising and suddenly everything in her room started shaking. Katherine was terrified that Clint was going to take off and she'd never see him again. 

Clint just smirked, slowly shaking his head while he grabbed her medical chart which was starting to float into the air. Katherine just looked at Clint confused as he walked over to her and placed a kiss on her lips. She held her breath for a second before sighing into the kiss. 

As they slowly pulled away, Clint smiled down at Katherine as he brushed a piece of hair behind her ear. "We're heading on a recon mission; there's another Hydra lab and Fury wants us to take it out. Thor thinks it might also be holding Loki's scepter.." Clint explained to her, making her almost feel better. 

Well not really because she was still terrified that Clint was going to leave and never come back. This was worse, the thought of him being killed in the field while she was sitting in a hospital bed killed her. 

"I should be coming too..-" Katherine tried standing up but Clint stopped her, keeping her in bed. 

"No." Clint told her sternly. "It's going to be fine, we're going to take out this lab and I'll be back before you even wake up." 

Katherine shook her head. "I don't like the thought of something happening to you and I'm not there to help..I don't like feeling helpless." 

"You, Katherine Thorne, are anything but.." Clint smiled, cupping Katherine's face in his hands. "I love you and I love how you worry about me even when you don't have to.. I'll be fine and I'll be even more fine if I know you're doing okay here recovering and keeping our little hawk safe." 

Clint placed a hand on Katherine's stomach, making her let out a small laugh. She still found it funny how Clint insisted treating her like a fragile little bird even though she wasn't showing yet. She barley had a bump but luckily to the loose clothing, no one noticed. Or at least said anything. Katherine also found it funny how she managed to get everything she's ever wanted in just finding Clint. She's gotten a second chance, love, happiness, salvation. She's gotten everything she ever wanted out of life, including a family. 

Katherine felt her eyes getting watery so she stared at the ceiling, blinking them away before pulling Clint into a tight hug. "You are the love of my life, my person..I want you to be safe, I need you to be safe...Please, come back to me." Katherine sighed as they hugged. 

"I love you Katherine Thorne." Clint sighed against Katherine's hair, rubbing her lower back. 

Katherine felt tears forming in her eyes as she hugged him twice as hard. "I love you Clint Barton..with every piece of me.." Katherine felt tears fall from her eyes as she felt her heart break. The thought of never seeing Clint again.. "Please, come back to me.." 


And with that, Clint pulled away to take in Katherine one last time. Clint smiled at Katherine, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear before placing a kiss on her hand. Katherine bit her bottom lip as she had to watch Clint walk out the door, heading off to a mission without her. It was ridiculous; Katherine knew that Clint could protect himself as he had been doing it for years. Katherine just wanted to protect him, look out for him, and keep him safe. Clint meant the world to her and if she ever lost him.. well there's no telling how that'll destroy her. 

She just doesn't want to lose Clint when it feels like she finally got him. She's happy, she has a bright chance at a future she didn't think she'd ever get.. 

Unbeknownst to Clint; Katherine had a plan she formed in her head to protect him and everyone from the darkness and potential danger their child could bring. Katherine cared and loved Clint more than anyone in the whole entire world, more than anyone in her whole entire life so she was going to do anything to keep him safe. If her child was killing her, there was no telling what it'll do to those around her. So she formed a plan, a bad one that'll most likely send her straight back to hell, but a plan to keep everyone around her safe.

Little did Clint know that this hug wasn't a "see you later" type of hug, it felt more like a "goodbye." Katherine loved Clint, she loved him with every piece of her heart and soul. She didn't like what she was going to have to do to him, hurt him but she was doing what she had to do to protect her team, protect the people she cares about, protect her family..

If one thing has been learned; it's Katherine Throne will do just about everything, sacrifice just about everything to keep the people she loves safe.. Even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness for their well being. 

author's note: 

i suck at updating. I am so sorry, to be honest, I didn't think anyone read this fanfic anymore so when people messages me saying if I was going to continue it gave me a little confident boost to post. I'll try posting more. So here's the new chapter and let me know what you think :) 

also, any theories ;) 

I cannot wait for the next book to write the "family reunion" hehe 

Oh before I forget... 


Road To Redemption♥ (Avengers/Clint Barton Fanfic) [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now