"It's fine, I was a dick towards you aswell so don't take too much blame for it." He said and I nodded.


"Yes love?"

"I love you." I said and he rubbed my back. He kissed my cheek and smiled.

"I love you too princess." He said and ruffled my hair. "Now, do you want to help me finish this pizza and then go jam out in the music room? We have a drum kit in there."

"Hell yeah." I said and he laughed. I picked a slice up with him and we slung his arm over my shoulder as we looked at the movie, suddenly seeing a large snake crush a car.

"Epic." I commented and he agreed.


I slipped out of my bedroom after glancing at the desktop clock. It read '2:48' and I knew Michael would be asleep by now.

I couldn't sleep though, it just didn't feel right.

I walked downstairs and passed Michael's room quietly, not wanting to wake him up. I wanted to be alone.

I opened the sliding door to the backyard and then closed it softly. I sat down on a lawn chair and then I grabbed the cigarettes and lighter I still had.

I closed the door and then stepped out in the open, taking a seat in the grass as a cool gust of wind blew, tickling my bare arms and face.

I set a cigarette between my lips and then I raised the ligher, flicking it on and burning the end of it. I put the lighter out before stuffing it in my pocket and sucking in some of the snoke, only to blow it out a second later.

I looked up as it evaporated into the air and then yawned. I looked at the moon and then eyed each star, thoughts running through my hair.

I breathed in the toxic chemicals from the cigarette and then pulled it away blowing it out. I looked down at the black and red lighter after I pulled it out, thoughts of Jacob filling my mind.

"I want to breath you in like your vapor, I want to be the one you remember," I sang quietly as I took a breath of smoke, blowing it out moments after.

"Where did you hear that song?" Someone asked and I gulped. "And what in the world are you doing?"

"Uh, nothing." I said and gulped. He was asleep, I know he was, why was he awake right now?

"Give it." He said sternly as he stepped up to me. I sighed and then handed it to him, watching the way he smashed it on to the concrete. "What are you doing up? Especially smoking?"

"I don't know." I aaid and handed the pack since he still had his hand held out. "I want the lighter, it's Jacob's." I said and he nodded.

"You're not going to fuck your life up by smoking. I won't allow it." He said and I nodded, feeling slightly ashamed. Everyone's telling me not to do it but I end up doing it anyways.

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you up? I thought you went to bed hours ago." He said as he sat down across from me.

"I did, but I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. I don't know why, I just couldn't." I told him and he nodded.

"I'm not going to sleep until you do." He said and I looked at him. "So you either go to sleep, or were stuck talking all night. Pick one."

"I can't. Just go to sleep. I'm fine." I said and he looked at me. "Really. You need it."

"Nice try, but I'm not sleeping until you do." He said and I looked at him. "Either we both get seven hours of sleep, or we both become assholes in the morning."

"Fine. I'm going inside." I said and he nodded. "Come on."

We stood up and he followed me inside. I went up to my room and he followed. "You need to fall asleep before I do."

"Are you just going to watch me all night?" I asked and he nodded as I pulled the blanket over me.

He sat on the bed and I huffed. "Come here you asshole." I said and he laughed.

"I'm the asshole? I hope you know that I can still ground you missy." He said and then laid down beside me. "Go to sleep so I can."

"Fine." I said and turned around. He chuckled and I yawned a bit, laughing as he pulled me close. "Kind of weird yeah?"

"Not like we're dating, that's illegal." He aaid and I nodded, true. "Now go to sleep."

"Fine." I sighed and then closed my eyes said he hummed a song.


Question of the chapter:

-Favorite song off of Sounds Good Feels Good?

Author's answer:

-Told you this already, but I live for the songs Vapor, Broken Home, and Castaway.

Reader's answer:


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