What We Could Be

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When you stare into the mirror 

What do you see?

Is there a courageous soul looking back at you?
Or a brave, brave face that's hiding the truth?
These reflections, determine our lives.

As the world will view you in the way you view yourself.
While insecurities get the best of us,
It is always better to remember the reflection you represent.

This advice is well spent.
How many times have we paid the price for the things we felt too inadequate to do?

We hinder ourselves by the image we have created.
Life is not fair in many ways, and hopefully you will be touched by the exceptions of this game.

Do not depend on it,
As it rarely happens.

So look for the good
And block out the bad.

Let the world see the person you are met to be.

Don't hide behind a mask,
But determine that you want more for yourself than the insecurities that you bare.

Your life will be transformed if you can master the reflection you see in the mirror �

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