"Yeah, cause we're best friends!" Spidey exclaimed. "You would've done the same!"

"No I wouldn't have. I told you to win for me, and if our roles were switched, I would've done what you said," Skelly said.

"But-I-you-" Spidey didn't know what to say.

Zombee, Ron, Zupay, and Joe had been watching this argument back and forth, moving their head to whoever was talking at the time.

Suddenly, Joe's eyes turned red. "Watch out, friends," he said in a voice that wasn't his. Then his eyes turned back to normal, and Joe seemed the same as always.

"Shut up, Joe," Zupay muttered, waving it off as another idiot thing Joe did.


Spidey's Confessional

"Skelly's my best friend! I can't believe he would say something like that! If he had left last season for me, I wouldn't rub it in his face!"


The girls cabin was the same as yesterday. Everyone was nice to each other, and they even gossiped a little.

"So, Blaise, got any crushes?" Mag asked playfully. The girls were all sitting on their own beds, talking to one another.

Blaise hesitated. "Not really. I mean, no one else here is a Blaze like me."

"Oh come on! Mucus isn't a Magma Cube, and Ron isn't a Snow Golem! Right, Sno?" Mag asked.

Sno nodded a little, but she was busy staring at her pillow, which again had a puddle of sweat.

"You don't have to be the same species. So, is there anyone, Blaise?" Mag asked again.

"Um, no. How about you, Mite?" Blaise asked.

Mite looked surprised. "How could I think about boys when I'm focused on trying to win?" she asked.

"You can win and have a boyfriend," Mag answered.

"Did you or Mucus or Sno or Ron win last season? No. Zombee did. And he wasn't thinking about love at all," Mite shot back.

Mag didn't know how to reply to that. Instead, she said, "What about you, Agatha?"

Agatha looked up from her book. "Well, Zupay is a hottie, am I right?"

There was an awkward silence. "Zupay? Greeeeat," Mag said, trying to sound like she meant it. "Isn't he bossy though?"

"Oh, I can turn him around," Agatha responded with a wink.

"Okayyyy," Mag said awkwardly. "How about you Victoria?"

Victoria had been breathing heavily on her bed again. She turned sharply to look at Mag when she said her name.

"I-I-I've never t-t-talked to a guy before," she stuttered.

"Aw. Don't worry, you'll--" Mag started.

"Challenge time, folks!" Herobrine interrupted over the loudspeakers. "Meet me behind the dining hall."

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