Chapter Twenty-six

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My phone rang and I pulled it out of my pocket. I saw Luke's caller ID and then pressed ignore. "Not a chance sunshine." I mumbled and put my phone away.

"What did he do?" Kaleb asked me. "Jacob may have mentioned that you had two dads, Michael and Luke."

"They're not my dads." I said and he held his hands up in surrender. "Plus, they're assholes. I wish they never stopped by the adoption center."

"Luke is torn up you know." Calum said and I stayed quiet. "He wants to know what he did wrong, besides for when he yelled at you and took things a little too far with Michael while you were home."

"As if he doesn't know." I said and rolled my eyes. "As if they don't know." I told him and sighed. "I hate them."

"What did they do?" Kaleb asked me and I looked at him. "It can't be that bad love, come on. Hide your make-up? Break your laptop? Forget to cook your dinner?"

"They used me." I said and Calum sucked in a breath. "Yeah you fucking knew about it didn't you Calum?" I asked and stood up. "I'm leaving. Tell Luke not to hold his breath."

"Katelyn wait!"

"No!" I shouted and ripped my arm from his grasp. "Don't touch me. You knew that they were using me, hell, you probably don't even care because you're growing more famous. You're apart of the band, so you don't care.
You just want more publicity, more money. Leave me alone."

Tears blurred my vision and I ran away from him. "Katelyn!" Kaleb yelled and I shook my head. Once he caught up to me, I took the cigarettes and lighter, then I ran again.

That seems to be the only thing I'm good at, running away...

I stopped running after awhile and then I sniffled. I looked around, unsure of where I was. I don't think I've ever been to this part of town.

There were clubs everywhere and an allyway or two. The cars were either really nice or all beat up and then you could smell smoke, the same one Luke had on Halloween.

It was scary but intriguing at the same time.

I wrapped my arms around myself as I walked around the area, seeing multiple people getting kicked out of bars or fighting with someone. There were a lot of small liquor stores and corner markets, aswell as homeless people just sitting outside of them.

I looked down and shivered as and few yelled at me to take my clothes off and to give them a 'good time'. Whatever that means.

I looked around, wondering how the hell I could get out of here and back to the boardwalk, maybe the house because I was seriously afraid.


I walked around and looked at the houses that were small with messy lawns or the houses were falling apart.

It made me sad because how can they live in places like that? They're not nearly enough room for a family or pets. Plus, this seemed like such a bad neighborhood and it worried me to see little kids running around without shoes on, or even babies playing out in the open without guardians to watch them.

I sighed and walked across the streets, my legs hurting and an unsettling feeling in my stomach and a ton of questions filling my head.

Why are such famous and wealthy celebrities trying to make more money for themselves rather than for the people who need it? You have millions, why are you being so inconsiderate and greedy?

Why would people want to live here in the first place? Why are there so many homeless people over here? Why doesn't anyone do anything about the messy lawns and houses that are about to collapse any second?

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