Chapter 10 - What Would My Brother Think ?

Start from the beginning

“ Stan told me, that he may not be home tonight. You can stay here if you want?” 

“Sure” I replied. Not realising I agreed to stay at Michael’s alone. 

“Want to get supper now, I think the munchies are getting to me, man” Michael added, his eyes squinting shut  but you could still see the redness in them. 

“Defiantly” As much as I like Michael , I didn’t feel like talking. I was high out of my mind, and would just prefer to sit there being mellow. 

We both  got into his car . After a while of driving we pulled up to a convenient  store. I looked at him weirdly and he just smiled. “Gotta get smokes first” it was like he could read my mind.  We walked in the stores and looked around.  I swiped some candy and I assume Michael did too. 

“Want to rent some movies for tonight?” Michael asked  “I figured we would just stay in tonight, no parties for you” He smirked. It was one time could no one just let it go!

We walked over to the movies  and I looked  though them. There was just a whole bunch of romance movies. 

“ I don’t watch chick flicks” I  told Michael as he was reading the back of Dear, John. Forget Dear John. Dear Lord, Michael must really be out of it . What was wrong? He just blushed and put it back on the shelf. 

“Where’s Allie?” I asked trying to figure out what was wrong.

“Oh, we’re over” he acted casually

“Why, what happened?” I acted like I cared about their relationship

“Remember when she said she‘d dump me, well she did“ Michael said  holding on hand up and moving his head around. He reminded me of Jack Sparrow when he did this. I wondered if they had Pirates of the Caribbean here. 

“Oh sorry”  apologized knowing it was partly my fault. 

“It’s not your fault , lets get these”  Michael insisted while grabbing all the Harry Potters. I think he was just trying to change the subject.

“ You like Harry Potter?” I asked curiously. Michael just didn’t like the type. 

“No, but a buddy of mine told me, they are really good to watch when your ripped” I stopped and thought about it in my head and it would be pretty trippy. 

“Sounds good” 

We walked up to the counter  and paid for the movies and cigarettes.

When we got to the car  we dumped our pockets into a pile.  It was fairly big, a few chocolate bars, skittles and gum. Good snacks for later on. 

“What are we doing for dinner?” I asked him. Neither of us seemed to talk as much when we are high. Stan on the other handle is a babbling idiot. 

“It’s a surprise’ he stated while playing with his lip ring. Oh how I loved his lip ring.  My starring was interrupted by my stomach grumbling. I was really hungry and really wanted to know where we were going. Hopefully somewhere cheap,  because I only have twenty dollars.

As I was thinking about where we were going, we pulled up to the Chinese. I love Chinese. We walked in and a waitress greeted us.

“Welcome to China Town Buffet, how may I help you?”

“Two Medium  buffets, to go” Michael answered.

She handed us our medium sized doggy bags  and guided us to the buffet.  We walked around the buffet choosing what we wanted,  I had a combination of sesame chicken,  chicken balls,  a egg roll, a garlic roll, chicken chow mien and vegetables.  When I decided I had enough  I waited for  Michael, who  was filling his to the very rim.  I could tell he was hungry.

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