34-Even More Explanations

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Ron blinked, "What—"

"We're half-gods, not fully-fledged gods. We have only one god for a parent."

"And what are you?" he gave me the suspicious glance he was already giving.

"A son of Hades," I said simply.

Ron frowned, trying to recall. "Hades," he repeated to himself. "Isn't he married?"

"To Persephone, yes."

Ron and Harry were 100% baffled.

"Your faces are hilarious," Draco said dryly, examing his fingernails.

"And you knew all about this?" Harry asked scornfully. "What, are you some sort of demigod, too?"

"In fact I am," Draco sat up straighter. "Bow down to me."

"No," Harry hissed at him, almost sounding like he was speaking Parseltongue.

"Hmph," Draco said, sounding genuinely disappointed.

"And I can prove I'm Hades's son," I said.

"How?" Ron demanded.

I put my wand on the table, then willed the shadows to draw closer, and the room darkened visibly, the temperature dropping ten degrees.

Harry and Ron paled.

"I can also make a fissure to the Underworld and summon a skeletal army from it." I tapped the ground with my foot, and they stumbled back. "Kidding. I can't do it here, we're on the seventh floor. It won't work."

Ron and Harry decided to believe us.

Hermione looked at Harry and Ron guiltily, "I'm really really sorry for keeping this from you all these years. I was forbidden to mention it. I made an oath, actually."

"Forbidden by who?" Ron snapped.

"By my mother," Hermione said miserably. "And she's not a dentist. She's Athena, goddess of wisdom."

"I should've known it'd be the smart goddess," Ron grumbled.

Hermione blushed, "Draco-I mean, Malfoy-is a demigod too. But he's unclaimed."

Draco wasn't happy that Hermione had shared this news.

"What does unclaimed mean?" Ron asked.

"It means—"

"It means I'm superior," Draco interrupted.

Hermione frowned, "No, it means your godly parent hasn't given you a sign telling you who you are. Usually the sign is a symbol above the person's head."

"But..." Harry looked lost, "but Malfoy has a mom and dad! Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy!"

"Lucius is my stepfather," Draco said.

"Oh," said Harry.

"I wish my dad would claim me. I wonder what he's doing."

We stared at the space above his head, as if something would show up on cue.

Nothing happened.

"Oh well," Draco grumbled unhappily, "I've been waiting for years with no luck."

Annabeth moved to comfort him, but students were starting to come into the common room.

"Well then," Jason confiscated Leo's Treacle Tart, "should we go see Wilby?"

Pomfrey wouldn't let all eleven of us into the Hospital Wing.

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