The Lost Key

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So here's another story, hope you enjoy!

Em xx


Way back in 1639 on a lovely summers day a little girl called Carly was just away to go to an old house with her mother and father when they heard somebody shout stop! Carly's father jumped out of the car to see what was happening. "What!," he cried. "Your tyre is flat," said the man. "oh no," said Carly's father. So off they went to get Carly's mothers car and off they went to the old house about two hours away.

When they finally got there Carly's mother and father went and set up the picnic whilst Carly went to play on the swings very tiredly. When she was swinging on the swings she saw something gleaming in the bark, she got off the swing and went over to this shiny object. What could it be? Carly asked herself. So she picked it up and was amazed to see that it was two old rusty keys. So she ran over to her mother and her father with the keys and showed it to them. They were very astonished by this appearance so Carly's mother asked her why she was here so early. "I found these keys mother," explained Carly hurriedly. "Well it must be the keys to some of the doors in this old house," said Carly's mother. "Well can I go and look mother? please, please, please" begged Carly. "Go on then" said her father.

So off she went to search for the secret door. Carly searched every corridor but she couldn't find the door. As she was walking back to get lunch Carly saw a basement door that needed a key, could it be the door? It was the only one that she hadn't tried yet. So she gave it a try with the first key and she was about to give up hope when she turned the second key, but it did fit and so Carly opened the door and walked down the steps. At the end of the steps Carly found a light switch and switched on the lights.

She was amazed to see that the basement only had a few spiderwebs but there were lots of dust and objects. Carly went over to the biggest object and wiped away all of the dust. It was a treasure chest, a big huge treasure chest. Carly thought for a moment, could I try the other key? she thought. Well she gave it a try, she held her breath whilst she turned the key. "if it fits, it fits," cried Carly. She opened the box and there in the chest was masses of jewellery, the box was light so Carly was able to carry the box and so she ran to her mother and father with the chest in her hands. "Mother, father, look what I have found!" "wow" said mother. "Lets go home immediately and examine it" said father.

So they went home immediately, after they had packed up the picnic, had lunch and then called for a scientist to examine it. When the scientist had examined it he said that it was very very special but since Carly had found it she could keep it but she had to be careful with it. Carly has kept it all these years and hasn't shown it to anybody.

A Collection of Childhood Stories.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora