Chapter Twenty-three

Start from the beginning

I grabbed my backpack and then shoved a few things in there like some sweatshirts, some skinny jeans, that lilac teddy bear, a comb, my phone, and the money I was given but never spent.

The only thing that they bought me was the phone, the rest was gifts from Bryana or my own personal items. Besides the bear, I don't know where it came from but I'm taking it because I love it.

I angrily wiped my make-up and fake blood off before changing into a more comfortable outfit. I took these contacts out and then grabbed my bag before slipping on some boots.

I slung it over my shoulder and then left my room, making my way out of the house. No one questioned me, not even Luke. He actually just told me to keep the door open so it doesn't get stuffy in the house.

I slammed the door shut and then stopped as I saw Jacob leaning on the trunk of his car, smoke leaving his lips. I could smell the cigarettes and it was weirdly comforting, not like what Luke was smoking. That was disgusting and strong.

I sighed as set my back down before walking towards him. I wrapped my arms around him and he wrapped a single arm around me. "I was looking for you but I couldn't find you so I decided to have a cigarette." He told me.

"I don't want to be with them anymore." I said and he ran a hand through my hair. "They're assholes Jacob."

"Who love?"

"Michael and Luke." I said and he rubbed my back. "They used me. They only adopted me because they were dared too." I said and he sighed.

"Is that why you changed and have a bag?" He asked and I looked at him. "I heard it hit the floor, I'm not an idiot. I've ran away a few times aswell." He said and I nodded, seeing no point in lying.

"I wasn't going to run away, just go to Calum's house since no one is home. I know where the extra key is and I doubt they'll mind." I said and he nodded.

"Want to go on a drive? Maybe being alone isn't the best idea." He said and stomped his cigarette out. "People do idiotic things when they're alone and upset."

"Sounds fun." I said and he chuckled. "Do you want to clean your face up a bit before you do?" I asked and he nodded.

"Let me wipe this all off and take these damned wings off. I can't handle them." He said and I laughed as he kissed my head.


"Where are we going?" I asked him and he looked at the gas meter on the car.

"First, I need gas and some more cigarettes because my idiot friend forgot to put gas. Second, it's just somewhere I go to calm down. I think you'd like it." He said and I nodded.

I grabbed his cigarette pack and I opened it, seeing one left. "Do you mind?"

"Yes I do." He said and took them from me. "It's not good for you, please don't. I'm being a hypocritic, I know, but don't smoke."

"You said it's a stress relief and it helps you clear your mind." I said and he looked at me. "Right now, all I want to do is break down into tears and tear my hair out and scream. Can't I just try it?"

"No." He said and I sighed, sulking a bit as I slouched in my seat. "I'm sorry but you can get lung cancer and ruin your teeth and everything. It's not cute and it's not cool. I don't want you doing it." He said.

"Then why so you smoke? If you know the dangers, why do you still do it?" I asked, knowing that I was acting bratty and bitchy. "I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated and stuff."

"Don't worry, I understand." He said as he turned on his blinker so he could turn into the nearest gas station. "I'm going in, I'll be back in maybe five minutes, depending on the amount of people in there."

I nodded and he left after he turned his car off and parked it by a pump. The door closed and my phone rang in my bag. I grabbed it and then saw it was Michael calling me.

I laughed and then turned my phone off, knowing full well when I turn it back on it will have hundreds of messages and missed calls.

I yawned and then stretched a bit as I set my feet on the dashboard. I grabbed the choker Jacob took off and then put it one since it would go with my outfit.

I closed my eyes and then the drivers door opened. I looked and it was Jacob. He set the pack of cigarettes in the cup holder and then a few bags of gummies and a few cans of tea.


"Always." He said and I smiled. He left and I watched as he began to pump gas into his car. I yawned again and closed my eyes.

Jacob's phone rang and I grabbed it. I looked at it and noticed it was Michael texting him to see if he knew where I was. I dismissed the message and then set his phone back.

"Who was it?" He asked me from outside. "Luke? Michael? My idiot friends?"

"Michael." I told him and he nodded. He put the pump back and then closed the hatches. He got back in the car and then buckled up.

"I'm too broke to be doing this." He said and laughed as he started his car. "I have twenty bucks left."

"I have three hundred." I said and looked at him. "If you need it, we can use it." I told him and he shrugged, saying that it probably wasn't necessary.

I watched as he plugged the auxiliary chord into his phone and then went to his Spotify playlist. He put it on shuffle and an unfamiliar song played.

"Guess what?" He said and I hummed as I looked at him. "I don't give a damn about my bad reputation." He sang and did some weird dance in his seat.

"You're a dork." I said and laughed as I shook my head. I shivered a bit since this wasn't my thickest sweater and he turned the heater on as he left the gas station.

He hummed along and I saw him reach into the backseat. He grabbed a black case and then flipped it open. He pulled out a pair of glasses and then put them on.

"I only use them when I drive at night." He said and I nodded as he hit a red light. "I'm blind as shit during the night." He told me and I nodded.

"You look cute with glasses on." I accidentally said outloud and he chuckled. "It makes you look like those Tumblr boys."

"Thanks." He said and I nodded. "My sister loves when I have my glasses on because I usually take my piercings out then. She says I look less scary when I have them on."

"That's adorable." I said and laughed. "You're just a big teddy bear at home then?" I asked as I frabbed his phone.

"You can say that. At home I'm always in really big sweatshirts and black skinny jeans with my glasses. I look less... intimidating." He said and I nodded as I went to his spotify.

"Do you have pictures of your sister on your phone?" I asked and he nodded. "After I change this song, can I see them?"

"Yeah, go ahead. I have nothing to hide." He told me and I skipped this song. I left the app and then went to his pictures.

I laughed as I saw the last picture saved was us and Jack Barakat. I scrolled through them and smiled because his pictures were so cute.

Half of them were of us and the other half was of his family and other friends.


Question of the chapter:

-Do you think Luke is such a saint now? *Dory's voice* Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?

Author's answer:

-*evil laughter* He never was

Reader's answer:


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