part two - xxxvi.

Start from the beginning

Mat twirled the card to be able to enter any place in the prison around her fingers, "I'm going to interview each of them soon. I'll start with the women first, hoping they'll be more open about everything." she said. "We had to separate all the males into their each room. Their too violent to be with each other. Two of them are already dead because they fought with each other."

"It's strange to forget how violent they can be towards each other." I said.

"Their more violent now that their bodies are trying to get rid of the drugs." she said. "A doctor examine them and the women aren't as bad as the men so the drugs should detox from their bodies soon."

I crossed my arms as I turned to face her, "They're really changing, aren't they? I didn't notice if my pack was taking them while I was still there so I don't know if they started before or after I left. Aydin was always jumpy and had adrenaline rush. It's hard to tell in the beginning until it starts to look bad. And Aydin looked bad the last time I saw him."

"Even when they do detox, I can release them back into the forest Ellie." she said. "They'll start doing it again. Their aggressive enough."

I lowered my head again, bring one of my hands up to my head as I tried to just disappear for a moment. What should I do? I knew deep down Mat was right about them being dangerous to the world now these days but everything just going to disappear. Our history—wild wolves is where we began.

"You know, in Europe they actually have history books on our history?" Mat said, confusing me as I looked up at her. "Yeah, they do. And I mean everything—everything story and legend. All it's history.They're not many books of them, maybe about eleven of them. Their so old and every once of while they rewrite a new edition."

"We don't have that here." I said and she nodded.

"We don't but we will soon." she said. "I had the Alpha of Hungary look for it and he isgoing tomail me the book. We'll get it translated, make copies of the books, and learn about the unknown things we didn't know. We're not losing history, we're just growing to me new ones." She brought her arms out and rubbed mine, "Aeriela, I'm not trying to destroy our history. I think you do believe it's time for them live with us. Time to be part of our world."

I stared at her for a moment, hating that'll I have to admit she's right. I turned my head around, looking through the window to see the three women looking in pain and one was throwing up in a bucket. I turned my head back to Mat and swallowed my pride, "Yeah, you're right." I said as I nodded.

"And you're going to help me, right?" she asked and I nodded. She wrapped her arm around mine as she came beside me and we walked down the hallways, "Aydin body has detoxed by from the drugs so he will be responses but he's still very aggressive and agitated. He's chained up to protect the guards and himself. Don't try anything funny, Aeriela."

"Kill him while he's chained up? That's cheap." I said. "I deserve way better than an easy kill." We walked over to a small cell room where I saw Aydin in the corner of the room huddled. He was whispering something to himself, looking anxious and paranoid.

The walkie talkie in Mat pocket beeped, "They've arrived, the bus from Louisiana arrived Alpha Matilda."

Mat grabbed the device, "I'll be there soon." she said. She swiped the card against the machine on the wall and the red light turned green. She opened the door, "Who knew you'll get a visitor today, Aydin?" Mat said as she went in.

Aydin growled, "Make her leave."

Mat tsked, "Hmm, no crazy talk. Good." she said. I stepped in beside her and Aydin bared his teeth as he looked up at me. She turned to me, "Take all you need." she said before walking out the room.

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