Chapter 30 (Edited)

Start from the beginning

“Well you could have drunk his blood, or hit him a few more times.”

“Oh, but I wasn’t thirsty and I’m not that abusive,” Alexandria murmured as she played with the sliver bracelet wrapped around her wrist, she twisted it many times.

“Yeah, I can see that,” Jeremy sighed. “Now go sit by the guards while I get on with what I was going to do before you interrupted me.” Alexandria looked apologetic at that and she fiddled with the edge of her shirt and her hair fell into her face as she looked down. She reminded me of a child that just got in trouble.

Jeremy watched her for a moment as she made her way over to the table that the guards were near. She leaned on it and smiled at the guards. The guards barely acknowledged her as they kept vigilant watch on the hunters chained up.

Jeremy made Liz stand up and moved her to the middle of the room near where Jordan’s body was. Liz gulped and averted her eyes from the gruesome sight. Instead she stared fearfully at Jeremy wincing slightly as he dug his fingernails into her arm.

I looked over at Erik and saw that he seemed as if he was concentrating hard on something. Jeremy pulled Liz closer to him and pushed aside her hair exposing her throat. Just as Jeremy was about to bite Liz, he screamed out in pain and dropped to his knees. Erik stood up and dropped the handcuffs to the ground. He tossed the keys that Alexandria had given him and I used my foot to bring it closer. Once it was close enough I grabbed it and started trying random keys to see if they would unlock the chains.

Jeremy’s scream must have attracted more guards because in moments the room seemed filled with them. Liz ran away from Jeremy and over to Erik. She had managed to get a stake from Jeremy’s jacket pocket and she was using it now to fight the vampires trying to get her and Erik. The guards must have distracted Erik and he lost the focus needed to keep Jeremy in pain.

He dusted himself off and then just watched as Liz and Erik fought against the guards swarming them. They weren’t alone though, Alexandria was also fighting guards near her. She was smiling; she must enjoy finally getting to be herself.

Jeremy seemed to realize that he would not have enough guards to defeat a witch, a vampire and a hunter all working together. Not to mention there would be more hunters fighting once they managed to free themselves. He looked around and then headed to the door abandoning everyone here. He couldn’t just be allowed to get away.

I kept attempting to stick keys into the handcuffs around my wrists but none of them seemed to work. I was just starting to despair but I felt the key going in. I twisted the key and felt it give then I let out the breath I had been holding. I pushed the keys to Kayla and she took them surprised. I slipped the handcuffs off and made my way through the fight, for some reason the guards didn’t pay attention to me. I paused by the guards table and grabbed a stake and then left the room.

As I turned back to look at the mess going on in the room I saw Erik watching me. I’m guessing he was the reason that none of the guards seemed to notice me. He frowned but was unable to follow me since he was already busy with the fight. I headed along the corridor and came to a hallway going both ways; Jeremy could have gone either way. I took a deep breath and randomly picked right, for some reason I had a feeling about that way. I just hoped my feeling was lucky.

I relied on my instincts as I navigated my way through the building. I almost felt relieved when I saw a set of stairs leading up to an open door. I neared the stairs and looked up warily but nothing happened. It seemed okay, the cold air brushed by me and I stared at the stars as I went up the stairs. I went out on the roof slowly and heard the crunch of rocks beneath my feet. If Jeremy was up here, he definitely would have heard me.

I gripped the stake tightly as I stepped further out onto the roof. It was pretty big and it had a lot of places for someone to hide. I kept walking forward, aiming to round the corner and see if I could see Jeremy. A piece of fabric caught my eyes and I headed towards. It was too late when I had realized that I was being stupid. I hadn’t kept a wall behind me so that no one could ambush me from behind.

I whipped around and caught sight of Jeremy coming towards me quickly and I held up the stake. Jeremy knocked it away and it landed a few metres away. He pushed me to the ground and we struggled. I was trying to get away from him while he was trying to win the fight. His hands wrapped around my throat and tightened cutting off my circulation. With my remaining strength I kicked him off and crawled a bit towards the stake even as coughs racked my body. Jeremy noticed what I was doing and quickly snatched the stake and then towered over me smirking.

“So what are you going to do now? Do you really think you can beat me unarmed?” he asked condescendingly. “I must say I’m impressed, first your hunter friends followed you and allowed themselves to be caught and then they managed to get free. I never knew they had it in them.” He ran his fingers over the stake as he stared out at the nearby scenery. “I’m curious though, how did you manage to get a vampire to aid you?”

“How do you know she was actually helping me?” I whispered; my voice still not recovered. Jeremy’s eyes narrowed.

“Do you think I’m stupid? What are the chances that a vampire infiltrates the building and randomly starts fighting guards when Erik managed to get free? It’s obvious now that she was helping you, I have no idea how she managed to fool me.” He studied me for a moment. “This wasn’t originally my plan but if you end up dead that’s good enough for me. I still have to decide how I’ll do it. I can choke you, drain your blood,” he said counting on his fingers. “Or, I can throw you off the roof, or even kill you with the stake you were planning on using on me.”

I crawled backwards a bit and he didn’t do anything, he didn’t expect me to do anything. A thought occurred to me and I slowly got to my feet and then rushed to tackle him full force, well, the full force I could achieve being as weak as I was. As I predicted he didn’t expect me to attack him so he did nothing as my body collided with his, the momentum sending us off the roof. I hit the ground painfully and I gingerly sat up. Jeremy was lying on the ground dazed and I took the moment to look for the stake.

Luck was on my side because it was lying near me; Jeremy must have dropped it on the way down. I wrapped my fingers around it and concealed it in my shirt then started walking away making it look like I was trying to get away from Jeremy. He slammed me in the building with a hiss and then smirked.

“So this is where you finally die,” he announced but I shook my head confusing him. I gave him and smile as he seemed to realize something was off.

“No, this is where you finally die,” I corrected him before shoving the recently concealed stake through his heart. He touched the stake weakly as if to confirm it was actually there and then dropped to the ground, dead.


AHHHH, one more chapter to go. i have mixed feelings about that. anyways, the question i want to ask is if people would read a second book if i decided to post a sequel. im curious to see if people actually would want to read it.

:( after im done this story i have to go back and edit it, not my favourite thing to do in the world. i've made bunches of mistakes.

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