Chapter 4 (Edited)

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Chapter 4

“Ugh, we’ve searched most of the Academy, where the hell do you think he could be?” asked Liz. We had spent quite a lot of time looking for Erik already and as more time passed Liz had just gotten more and more annoyed and irritable. I swallowed my desire to reply in a rude manner and just shrugged in response. “Well I’m taking a break,” announced Liz. I sighed as she walked away from me to the steps of the library.

I tried to think of where Erik could be. In the past, when I had had nothing to do with Erik White, I only saw him on occasion and usually he was just walking by to another location. Erik White wasn’t the type to hang out where the rest of us hung out so he must have a different place the other people don’t go to. I looked around me at the Academy grounds, my thoughts whirling.

“I think we should leaving searching for Erik alone for today, it’s almost dinner time and I’m hungry,” complained Liz. I looked over at Liz, my thoughts interrupted.

“Sure, I’ll meet you a bit later,” I said. Liz hesitated for a moment probably feeling bad for wanting to leave but quickly discarded the feeling.

“Okay I’ll see you then. Don’t worry we will find Erik tomorrow and cram studying down his throat.” That brought a smile to my lips. Liz always knew what to say. Liz stood up from the steps and walked off in the direction of the dining hall.

I looked around again hoping that the thoughts I was having about the location of Erik would come back to me. No such luck. I looked around once more hopelessly and something caught my eye. I stopped and remained looking at the spot I thought I saw something. What I thought I saw was impossible. I couldn’t have seen that. I thought I had seen someone one the roof. For a brief moment, I saw someone before they ducked out of sight.

I was intrigued, all of sudden I had to find someway to get on the roof. Normally I would have thought that was an impossible task but if that person could do it, so could I. The only way I knew that lead to the roof of that particular building would be pretty hard to use without being spotted. The door that contained the stairway to the roof was in a public location where numerous people passed by it every day. If I were to try and use those stairs I would be caught immediately and I doubted I could come up with a good enough excuse to get myself out of trouble.

I walked around the old building and discovered a doorway I hadn’t even known was there. The doorway was obscured by vines but as I tried to move them away I discovered that the vines were quite easily moved. Now without those vines covering the door, there a big enough space for me to pass through and get to the door. I put my hand on the door handle and pressed down. The handle easily went down and the door glided open smoothly.

I peered inside cautiously, inside was a narrow stairway and I had a feeling that these stairs lead to the roof. I hesitated and looked back at the open doorway. If it was left like that someone would probably discover it. I fixed the vines so they hung straight down covering the door once more before shutting the door. Once that was done I made my way up the stairs. I went up a few flights of stairs then paused right before a door that probably led outside. I listened carefully and heard nothing except wind confirming my suspicion that this door led out to the roof.

I turned the handle slowly and noiselessly. I pushed it open enough to slip through and looked around. The part of roof I was seeing was empty but there was more to the roof than what I could see at the moment. I leaned around the corner slightly careful to not be seen. Sitting with his back to me was the person I had been looking for all day, Erik White. Erik was lounging with his back propped up against pillows and his feet were resting on the roof ledge.

“So this is where you were all along,” I said startling Erik. Erik cringed and turned his head around to glare at me.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the Academy’s top student, breaking the rules and trespassing on a part of the school he isn’t allowed to be,” Erik taunted. I crossed the distance between us and sat down on the ledge of the roof in front of him. I wasn’t worried about being seen by people below; no one could see me when it was this dark outside.

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