Character Answers

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How hard would you fuck me?

As hard as Ashton bangs his drums. Have you seen that kid play? Dang. Lol jk, I'm sorry, but I only bang Cami. ;)

Can you dump her and be with me bc why not?

I love her. Isn't that enough of a reason?


Hey Jocelyn, how's satan? Did you cheat on Calum with him?

I never loved Calum. And you forget. I'm not dead, I wouldn't know how he is, thank you very much.

How hot is hell?

666 degrees.

Did you get your mind back after being in the psych ward?

I'm currently still there. I don't know why. The voices are getting more and more annoyed.

why you so mean/try to kill your daughter?

I love Luke. My own daughter took him from me. I was ashamed to give birth to such a disaster, and I wanted her gone. The voices, which are my friends, told me to anyway. I didn't wanna let them down, since they are the only people who've stuck with me.

Die in a hole.

Only if you dig it.

So how is your stay in the asylum so far?


How big was Luke's dick?

Smaller than Calum's. Just. Saying.

Do you have any friends? In real life or the asylum, but not in your head.

The voices aren't only in my head. So they are my friends. They are all I'll ever need.

How does it feel to be hated by a shit ton of people?

Lol, do you think I care?


Currently going to group therapy. These people are insane. I'm nothing like them.


Why do you like Cami?

Well, besides the fact that she's breathtaking, she has an innocence that most people don't have. She's down to earth, and cares for everyone around her so much, that she forgets to think about herself.

Have you found someone other than Cami and Jocelyn that you love? Will you love someone else? Me?

Yes there was one girl before them. I was pretty young, though, and she moved away. I think I will love again. And sure, babe, I'll give you a try ;)

You should like marry me cause I love you.


Do you still love Jocelyn?

No. Not after what she tried to do to her own daughter, and for what she did to Luke.

Calvin are you asian?

ok. my name is CALUM. and no, but I was doing your mom last night and she could definitely get my name right when she was screaming it.

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