Twenty Two

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The sun, streaming through the window, was what I awoke to the next morning. Luke was standing in front of it, dressed in a suit, trying to readjust his tie.

My eyes felt swollen from crying all night, and my head throbbed like hell.

When he turned around, I felt the air leave my body. Luke in a f.ucking hot suit was something I'd love to wake up to every morning.

"Morning, Cami," Luke said casually and I continued to stare at him. He shot me a smug look and raised an eyebrow when I didn't reply right away.

"Like the view?"

I swallowed at his question and laughed nervously. "Morning. I'm sorry, I'm still sleepy."

"Mmhm. Anyway, I have to go soon. I'll be home in time for dinner. Since I don't want you cooped up in here all day, I trust you enough to let you go out, just please use the personal driver I hired if you chose to do so."

He picked up his papers lying on the table, rearranged them neatly and slid them into his folders. "Oh. I nearly forgot. Call room service if you ever get hungry. The number is in the kitchen on the fridge. And don't ever hesitate to call me if something happens, alright?"

"Okay, thank you."

Luke gave me a small grin and left the room. I scowled slightly, eyebrows furrowing together. He acted like last nights complications didn't even happen, like waking up next to me was a perfectly normal thing.

Oh well. If he wasn't going to act like it happened, I wouldn't either. I promised myself, walking into his shower.

Short (kinda) filler chapter! Almost 5000 views, omg. I have an idea of how I want this to end, but it could change soon. Predictions for endings? If I like it, I'll message you and ask for permission to take it/modify your idea and I'll give you credit. Promise :)
See you again tomorrow.

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