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A R I E L'S P O V:

"Like a brother," The sound of Oliver saying that repeated in my head.

Daniel let out a small laugh,"Like a brother huh?"


Daniel turned to me,"He seems cool. Is he alright Ariel?"

I nodded at that. Why wouldn't he be? If he wasnt, why would I hang out with him? Im on his back for peetes sake.

Clinking of silverware and plates being served filled the room,"Dinners ready!" Mum called out.

We walked into the dining room. I sat next to Oliver and away from Daniel. I didnt really try to in the end. Guess I am just used to Oliver.

"So four years. Anything happen?" I looked up at my brother. He raised his head and was poking his food.

"Well, I didn't have a brother around for when all the boys came around," I joked but it was seriously true.

"Yea?" he asked smiling.


Oliver broke the silence by saying,"Nice job on the food. It really good."

"Thanks Oliver. How sweet of you," she said as she wipped her mouth with her napkin,"Wish my kids could be more like you."

I rolled my eyes and continued eating. Why does she bring up this stuff? There really is no reason.

"Dont need to say it every night," I mumbled poking my food. I saw Daniel looking at me.

"Dad told me to tell you he loves and misses you," I looked up at him,"And he is sorry that he couldn't make it tonight. Dad gets busy now. He doesn't really have time for us anymore."

I was taken aback,"U-Us?"

"Tara and I," he looked at mum,"You never told her did you?"

"I...I didnt," mum studdered.

"Who is Tara?"

"Why didnt you tell her? It's something important. She needs to know," Danny argued.

"I need to know what?" I asked.

I seemed quiet compared to them because they were fighting.

"Tara is my little sister. Dad has a new wife named Carol," he sighed.

"Y-you have another sister?" tears started to form in my eyes.

"This is why dad should have visited again this week."

"AGAIN!?" by this time I was pissed,"IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOUR NOT TELLING ME!?"

Oliver was looking around like the innocent guy he isn't. His eyes follow whoever is talking.

Mum was silent. I shook my head. Thsi is bull shit.

"Im done," I got up and walked away. Who cares if I ment I'm done with them or Im done with my food. Hosnestlly, I'm done with both. Mum not telling me these kind of things is ridiculous.

I was sitting on my bed with my legs crossed playing my phone when Oliver walked in,"Hey Ari,"he sat next to me.

"Hi," I said quietly.

"So Daniel wants to hang out with his sis some more."

"Is mum still down there?"

"No, she went to the store."

I nodded. We walked down the stairs then went into the living room. Daniel was watching the Hunger Games on the tv.

It was went everyone was coming out on the things and they were wearing black suits. Fire was tracing behind them.

"Hunger Games huh?"

"Yeah. I didn't know what else to watch."

"Oh well do you want to sneak out tonight? I could ask if Oliver can stay the night," I suggested. I really didnt know if he was like that but he was my brother so I trust him.

"Yea sure."

Mum walked in the door,"Hey kids. It's getting late. Oliver when does your aunt want you home?" she asked as she walking into the kitchen and put the bags on the counter.

"Can he actually stay the night tonight?" she fitteled with her keys and set them on the counter before answering.

"I'm fine with it. If it's okay with his aunt."

"Okay mum," I walked out and told Oliver. He took his phone out of his back pocket and called his aunt. I'm pretty sure he can stay because his face lit up when his aunt muffled something in the phone.

"Whats up?" I asked him why he was so happy looking.

"I get to stay with my aunt for a year or two. She said next summer I might have to leave. But that's still so much time. I can go to your school!"

"Yes you can, but don't get too excited about school. I already have a bully."

Daniel butted in,"You have a bully?"

"Overprotective? Is that what I have. I need to figure you out dude," he laughed and his face got serious,"Oh one of those."

"Ha yeah."

"Who is your bully?" Oliver asked,"I know I don't know them but I might get to know them. Now who is it?"

"Chandler," I spoke under my voice and in a tone he didnt hear.

"What?" he asked.

"Chandler," I said loud.

"Isn't that the guy you were talking about when we-"

"YA!" I snapped. Daniel shouldn't know about chandler.

How chandler saw my cuts.

My cuts!


How will he react when he finds them?! Oh no no no. This will soon suck.

Chandler reacted crazy when he seen, and he barley even knows me. My brother that I haven't seen in four years finds out, I'm dead.

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