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A R I E L' S P O V:

Seems? What do that mean?

I grabbed my white The Used tank top and black tone ripped skinny jeans and went into the bathroom to change.

I had already taken a shower before so I dried my hair and straighten it.

School. Why school? I suck at school.

"Ariel the bus is out front! Hurry up!" I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. Slipping on my shoes and grabbing a poptart.

"Bye mum!"

"Bye sweetie!" I ran out the door an got on the bus.

There we so many people. So many eyes watching me.

I don't know ANY of these people. Who should I sit with?

There was a boy the looked alone. I walked over to the seat and hopped in.

"Hi I'm Ariel," I introduced myself.

"Hey I'm Toby," he started,"I haven't seen you around the school. Are you new?"

"Yeah. First day actually."

"Oh that's tuff. This school is very complicated."

"Thanks for NOT scarying me," I said sarcastically.

"You'll be fine. There is a comity that helps new kids get to know the school. You seem like your the type to remember."


"I'm actually on the comity. I could help you if you want. There are more kids that could help if you don't want me to."

"We will see," I looked at the front of the bus. The bus driver is an old lady with red hair and purple round glasses.

"That's Mrs.Fernman. Just don't call her that."


The bus stopped and we got off. I walked with Toby.

"Follow me Ariel," Toby grabbed my hand and took me to the office.

"Uh can I talk to Miss Collens?" He asked one of the ladies.

She nodded and a lady walked out of one of the rooms," What's up Toby?" The lady asked.

"This is Ariel, She's new. Can I take this one?"

"Sure go ahead. Both of your classes will be excused for today. Here are your passes for the hall monitors. Toby, you know the drill."

"Thanks ma'am."

She handed us the passes and we walked out.

He showed me the cafeteria, all my classes, and good places to hide when the halls filled with students.

"So Toby, can you help me get some friends? I just don't want to be lonely this year."

"I understand, I was the same way. Being alone in Highschool is scary. You have all the same classes as me so you can hang out with me and my friends."

"Thanks. Do you think they would be okay with it?"

"Not that sure. They are different."


"Jerks, Players, Judging, emo."

"Oh." was all I could say.

I went home and texted Oliver.

Me: Hey Oliv. I made a friend today. His name is Toby.

He didnt answer.

"Honey!" mum yelled.

I ran downstairs and saw Officer Cliff was by the door.

"Hello Officer Cliff."

"Hey pumpkin. We found Mickey," I turned the corner and saw Mickey with his arms behind his back.

"Hello Mickey," I said sweetly.

"Hi Ariel. I just want to say sorry. I'm unstable at the moment."

"I understand."

My mum looked at me weirdly.

"What?" I said.

"We are taking Mickey to get help. I just wanted you to know that. And if there is any trouble, any at all, call us."

"Okay thanks Cliff."

They walked out and my mum started dinner. I sat on the sofa and turned on Maze Runner.


"Yes mum?" I said turned backwards on the couch to face her. (The kitchen is behide the couch.)

"Can you go call your father?"


"Call you dad. He wants to talk to you."

"Ummmm okay..." I walked upstairs and grabbed my iPhone off my nightstand.

I dialed my fathers number. Can't believe I still remember it.

"H-Hello?" I said when they picked up.

"Hi. Who is this?" they said. I think it is my father.


"Hey Ariel. I wanted to tell you something."

"And that is...?"

"Your brother will be visiting soon."

"Awesome!" I hung up without anything else.

I ran downstair.


"What Ariel?"


"That's awesome!"

"Thats what I said."

Dinner was ready.

After dinner I went up to my room and fell asleep as soon as my face softly hit the pillow.


I was woken up by somebody shaking me awake.

"Chandler?" I said recongnizing the face.


"What are you doing here? It's 3 in the morning?"

"I just wanted to stop by."

"I have school in 3 hours. Why are you here?"

"like I said. I wanted to stop by. Are you okay?"

"What do you mean...?"

"I was your cuts. Yesterday night at the store. They were fresh. Why?"



"It's just that-"

Buzz buzz buzz

My alarm went off. That was a dream? That was really realistic.

Fresh cuts? Does he actually know? Was this dream trying to tell me something?


Hey reader! Sorry Ive been REALLY busy. Thanks for reading!

Bye Loves!

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