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T O B Y 'S P O V:


I'm getting worried about Ariel. She was taken by chandler in the janitors closet. When I walked in Chandler was all mad and yelling at Ariel.

Ariel won't tell me what happened in there. She keeps saying that he 'seen' something. What does she mean by that? What did he see?

She zoned out and when I woke her back up she started talking about her old friends. Changing the topic. The bus just pulled in. Ariel didnt see it.

"Ariel come on. It's time to get up. The bus is here," I said helping her up.


"Is something wrong Ariel? Ever since we talked about chandler you haven't been yourself."

"I'm fine," she simply said. Clem was on the bus sitting in the back with Jonas, Tomas, and Matthew.

"Um Toby I'm going to sit in the middle today, is that okay?" Ariel asked.

"Yeah it's fine. I'll sit with the group."

"Okay," and she went up to the front.

When I sat down with Jonas, the first thing said was,"Where is Ariel?" and that was from Clem.

"Oh she wanted to sit in the front today."

"Does she not like us?" they asked.

"No. She just needs sometime alone. I can tell something's wrong. She just won't tell me."

"Maybe I should-"

"No Clem. Give her some space," I said causing Clem to sit back down. One more person got on the bus.

Oh no. Chandler? I heard about him transferring buses. God damn it.

Just great. He sat next to Ariel. Something is up and I new to find out what it is before Chandler takes advantage of her.

I care for Ariel.

Ariel's POV:

The bus had just arrived. I really wanted time away from my friends because I knew Clementine would ask whats wrong.

"Uh Toby," I started," Im going to sit in the middle today, is that okay?" I asked.

"Yeah it's fine. I'll sit with the group," he said.

I said okay and sat down in a seat. Toby went all the way back. I could hear them talking, I just didnt know what about. I heard running sounds and the last person got on the bus.

Chandler. Nooo. He was looking around for a seat. I tried to hide my face. It didnt work. Chandler sat down with me.

"Hey Ariel," he tried starting a conversation.


"So how deep are your new cuts? You know, the ones that you did after you were talking to me. How are they?"

"Deep like my hatred of you," I rolled my eyes.

He shook his head and sighed,"You know Ariel, Your different."

"Bad or go-"

I was interuped. Soft lips were pushed against mine. Chandlers soft lips. No. I don't like chandler. I can't like him.

"Hey get the fuck off her man!" Somebody yelled. Chandler let go of me and looked behind us. It was Toby. I mouthed thanks. All he did was nod.

Chandler stood up,"What the hell Toby!? You jackass. Sad because I kissed your girlfriend?"

I looked back at them. Toby looked around and tried to say something but it wouldn't come out. Chandler smirked at Toby's reaction.

"Chandler leave him alone. And Toby I'm fine."

Toby nodded and kept talking. Chandler sat down and said,"Good lips huh?"

"That was my first kiss you punk."

"Aw my little virgin lips," he teased and I rolled my eyes and looked out the window.

That jerk stole my first kiss. He will pay for that.

"I did enjoy that. Not because it was you, just because I didnt really-" I was interuped by him raising his eyebrows and having a smirk again.

"You liked it,"I punched his shoulder and got up,"Where are YOU going?"

"It's my house," I said pointing towards my new house which looked a lot bigger than I was used to. I grabbed my bag and got off.

Toby ws looking at me in the window and he waved towards me causing me to wave back. He smiled but not a big smile. Wonder what's up with him. I'll just text him later.

"Hey sweetie. School okay?" my mum asked as soon as I walked in the door.

"It was okay..." I shuffled my shoulder referencing to the janitors closet. That was one thing she didnt need to know about. What would she do anyways? There seemed no point to tell.

"Your brother is coming over later tonight. Maybe around dinner time."

A hung grin appeared on my face. My brother! Only thought of him I remember. It's been so long. What does he even look like? Will I recognize him?

Real question... Will he recognize me?

"Thats awesome! I'll be in my room doing homework," I walked to my room after that.

Ha homework. Homework is for smart kids. Oh wait. I am smart.

Ergh I just want ME TIME. Alone time with JUST ME.

I texted Oliver telling him that the new season of American Horror Story is coming out. We are REALLY into that. My favorite part was when... Not going to be a spoiler.

He hasn't read it yet. Ill let it's slide this time. I unzipped my bag and grabbed the homework. My pencil case was a rainbow, which I really liked since it was cute.

The homework took me three hours to do. Im so slow with this kind of things. It scares me because theses are the 'easy' things this year. My mum said it just in common for me.


The phone rang. When I looked at the caller ID I saw it was Oliver.

"Hey Oliver, Whats up?" I said poking up the phone.

"Well I'm in Atlanta. Look outside your window," he said. Instantly I smiled and opened the window. He had his hand up to his phone and his other hand waving.

"Hey Oliver!" I whispered after I hung up.

"Can I climb up?" he asked.

"Yes," I nodded. He quietly came up and took a seat in my bay window.

I got up and hugged him.

"I miss you so much you dork."

"I missed you too," he said in my neck since we were still hugging.

I pulled apart and smiled not believing it was him. But it was true, my best friend had returned.

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