"Well sounds like you're enjoying it," the female host replied, she looked extra happy to have them in the studio, if you know what I mean. I could tell by the way she was looking at Tom- I shouldn't be jealous of a blonde, cliché tv presenter, but in reality, she was closer to Tom than I had been in a long time. "What's your plans for the rest of your time in Chicago?"

"We have two more shows," Hunter explained, I noticed he was holding his signature completely black drumsticks in his right hand, I assumed they were doing a guest performance "Tonight and tomorrow night and then we have 1 day of rest before we head off traveling through Ohio eventually heading towards Massachusetts. Our schedules jam packed after that."

The blonde host presumed, "So you're pretty busy for the rest of the tour then, I guess?"

"Yep, very busy." Tom rolled his eyes.

"So you've just released your new single called Addiction, could you explain to us, and the thousands of girls outside and at home the thought behind that song?"

The question was directed to Tom, he was lead singer and the best talker, but he turned to Daniel who was seating beside him in his navy blue tank top.

"Dan can explain this one, he wrote the song!" Way to get the attention off yourself Tom.

Daniel moped, "finneeee. This song was meant to be a different way to look on love, in a way. Love isn't always good for you, sometimes a relationship is toxic but so addictive that you can't let go. This song was to express that. We wanted to test a different sound as well, as the music this song has is different to the stuff we've done before. I guess in a simple way it was just a taking a risk and trying something new."

"You guys are known for the work you put into every song, how long did you spend working on this song as a whole?" I heard the screams of girls outside the building, I could only imagine the crowds of people outside waiting for them. When they were in London I struggled to be with Tom because we couldn't go anywhere without be swamped! I sipped on my coffee as I watched intently, Freckle curling into my lap.

"Writing took hours... I must have re-written 5..6 times at least," Daniel admitted, "The musical side took another week or two until it was perfected, we worked with our production team to tweak the imperfections and then recording ect. took another 3 weeks before the production of the song was complete. We released it a month later, so all in all, a long time!"

The host moved on the conversation, "Well it's a great song and I've heard you'll be performing it later for us?"

"Yep," spoke Eli, the fourth band member, he'd been very quiet for most of the interview, but he didn't like television interviews. He was just a shy person in general, but he was just like the other boys in one aspect, he knew how to let loose and rock out on stage. 

"Before we get to that though," continued the male presenter, we have a little quizzing type game for you guys if you're will to play along. In front of you are some pieces of white care and permanent markers. 3 of you are going to be asked a question and you have to write down your answer on the card without the 4th member seeing. The 4th person will have to guess your answers and then the spots will swap, another person having to guess the other 3's answers- simple enough?"

The guys nodded, Eli, Hunter and Dan picking up a piece of card and a pen each. The blonde host woman was handed a phone and looked down at it, reading the question.

"The questions we ask you are from your fans on twitter." She explained, "First question, something simple you should know about each-other. What is your middle name?"

Dan, Hunter and Eli wrote down there answers, Tom seemingly confident that he knew what they were going to say.

"Okay Tom, Do you know what their middle names are?"

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