I'll Wait For You As Long As It Takes

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Cɦaքtɛʀ 15


Mark moaned a little as he lifted his hand and covered his eyes from the sun peeking through, he woke himself up and stood up realizing he didn't have any clothes on, he pulled out a black shirt from his backpack and put on Pajama bottoms.

Smelling bacon he assumed Jack was out in the kitchen cooking something.

Mark walked up behind Jack hugging him from behind, "Morning..." Jack smiled at Mark he turned around kissing him softly. "Your making breakfast?" "Yes, I'm out of pizza money haha!" Jack giggled and kissed Marks lips. "Don't spoil me!" Mark laughed.

"And what will you do if I spoil you? Huh? Dork! Haha!"

"Shut up!"

"Make me!" Jack stuck his tongue out.

"With pleasure!" Mark smirked,
He slid his hands up to Jacks sides and tickled his ribs. "No!" Jack giggled, "Mark no!" Jack squirmed under Marks fingers. Mark pressed his fingers into his sides and under his arms laughing at the squirming giggling teen.

"M-MARK!" he squirmed between the counter and Mark's fingers he laughed and pushed Mark back and ran out. "Aw, Jaaack I wasn't done yet!" Mark pouted, He ran to where Jack had gone.

"Yes you are! You are done tickling me!" Jack backed up into the corner of the kitchen. "big mistake, babe..." Mark cornered Jack making sure there was no way he could get away. "Now, I get to do whatever I want to you as long as I want!" Mark wrapped his arms around Jack digging his fingers into Jacks ribs as Jack squirmed and giggled trying to escape the hold.
"Ma- marrrrrk!" Jack cried between laughs. "s-staaaaahhp" he gasped.
"What's the Magic word?" "Pleeeeaaase!"he managed.
"hm...nope!" Mark taunted and let Jack catch his breath. "But only because you asked nicely. He smiled down at the teen in his arms.
"T-Thank you!" he gasped for air.
"You're welcome love..." Mark smiled placing a kiss on Jacks neck. "H-hey! What are you up to?" Jack managed to get out. He let out a moan still backed up into the corner as Mark leaned near his ear.

"I love you"

"I love you too."

Mark backed up and let out Jack from the corner. He ran back to what he was cooking, "Go wait for your food!" Jack yelled,

"aww! Finnneee!" Mark laughed and went into the living room until the idea of Jack's personal journal pop up, "oh hey babe I'm gonna get your journal so yeah! Haha!" Mark yelled out quickly and ran into Jack's room.

"Oh..cool have fun.." Jack said annoyed until his eyes widened at what he said as he dropped the spatula and ran to his room. Mark ran out with it in his hand into the living room to the door. "MARK! GET BACK HERE! MARK!" Jack yelled and chased him, Mark got outside seeing it was pouring out.

"Fuck!" Mark frowned as he heard Jack yell his name. Mark bolted out into the rain laughing hard as Jack ran right behind him. "STOP PUTTING UP A FIGHT! OOOH! WHEN I FIND YOU YOUR SO GOING DOWN!" Jack yelled and Mark just kept running until he was in the woods seeing a trial he looked at what way to go but before he could warm up Jack tacked him to the ground.

Jack had the boy pinned to the ground the leaves soft and wet against Mark's back. "So did I go down?" Mark flirted with him. "Yep! You did, now give me that!" Jack went to get his journal when Mark broke free and jumped up. "No! Never! Haha!" "Geez! How much sugar have you had? I'm tired of chasing you and your ready to race again!" Jack breathed out.

"Yeah! Better get up to my level!" Mark ran and followed the trail to a abandoned road. "I'M NOT GIVING UP ON YOU SO HAND IT OVER NOWW!" Jack yelled out. "NO! NOTHING CAN MAKE ME GIVE THIS UP!" Mark laughed, Jack rolled his eyes and grabbed Mark by the hips deeply kissing him.

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