Forbidden Party

78 3 1

Cɦaքtɛʀ 8


Mark got up around 6:09 and got ready for school same with Jack. "Yo Marky!" Jack smirked a little. "Sup Sean!" Mark turned and laughed.

"Wh-what did you just call me?"

"Sean...I called you Sean,"

"How do you know that?"

"Your mom called..haha!" Mark laughed and Jack punched him pretty hard. "Ow, what was that for?" Mark asked rubbing his arm. "Don't call me Sean! Please!?" Jack pleaded. "Sure..." Mark smiled at him. "Thank you..." Jack sighed, "no problem"


Mark was by his locker when he got startled with it being shut. "Hi Markimoo..." Yami smiled giving him a quick peck. "Hey Yams.. Heh" Mark blushed and grabbed his book off the floor.


"What do you want?"

"So there's this party Ken's hosting and I wanna go but I want you to come too!"

"I-I don't know, I'm not much of a party guy...I don't wanna get drunk..."

"Come on please Markimoo! Please!" Yami pleaded and looked at him with a smile. "I'll think about it" Mark smiled at him and walked off for his next class.


"YOLO BITCHES!" Jack slid a little when trying to stop. "Hi Jack" everyone said, "okay so guess what? Ken's throwing a party and as you know I'm a party animal I'll be going and all of idiots are coming even you Marky!" Jack laughed and put a thumbs up. "Why! You know I don't like parties!" Mark yelled. "Aw come on Marky give it at least a chance!" Jack pouted and gave him puppy dog eyes. Mark blushed and looked down feeling embarrassed...Jack just had to look cute when he pouted, "Fine..." Mark grunted and stared down at the floor with his face as red as an apple. Yami immediately choked on his words. "Wait wait wait...your going to Ken's party?" Yami asked. "Yeahh, deal with it..." Jack snapped. Yami glared at him and stood up walking over to Ken. "Uh..okay then? Whoa! Mark why are you so blushy?" Jack asked pointing it out. "I'm not blushing!" Mark lied covering his face. "Okay?"

Jenna walked over and pulled him aside "you! Come here..." Jack followed her and they were alone. "Sorry Jack but this had to be can't go to Ken's party...your not allowed due to Yami's report about your write ups and your reputation!" Jenna stated. "Ugh! Fuck him! Fine! I won't come!" Jack stormed out.


Jenna was on the computer it was 9:00 5 more minutes until the party started she heard footsteps and turned her brown hair falling against her shoulders. "Jack, where are you going?" She asked the brunette. "Um, well you see..." Jack hesitated trying to find an excuse.

"Your not going to Yami's party are you?" She asked him. "Fine yeah..." "I believe he told me to make sure you don't come! So go back upstairs your not getting out of here until the party is over!" Jenna snapped and turned her attention back on her laptop. "Fuck you bitch!" Jack complained and went upstairs.


Mark stood there with his arms crossed Yami was checking people who where and weren't invited off. "Yami where's Jack?" Mark turned and tilted his head. Yami looked up from the paper and rolled his eyes blindly.

"He wasn't invited"


"Because he's the bad boy! The trouble maker! Ken doesn't want him here and I don't either!"

we're perfectحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن