I'll See You Soon

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Cɦaքtɛʀ 12


Jack woke up looking at the time 6:57 almost time to get to school. He put on his clothes as quick as he could and did whatever else he needed to do. A text got sent through from Mark, "hey its Ireland day have fun! I'm gonna miss you! ♥" Jack smiled and put a reply.
"I still have to go to school! Damn it! I'm being dismissed around 1:09 I think during lunch maybe you can come and say goodbye to me" The bus parked out of Jack's house and he ran to catch it.


After a couple classes it was lunch, Mark and Jack took a seat next to each other sharing a kiss, "you two can't help it can you?" Felix smirked at them. "He's leaving soon and no we can't" Mark laughed a little.

A teacher walked over and said "Jack you are dismissed..."

Jack nodded and Mark and him got up walking out hearing people saying goodbye to them. They went outside where Jack's mom was parked out front, Jack and Mark turned to each other and hugged each other tightly. Jack held up his chin and pecked his lips. "I'm gonna miss you okay? And have fun in Ireland!" Mark blushed.

"I'll miss you more! And I will, oh and Skype me as soon as I get there!" Jack laughed before kissing him again. Mark blushed deeper as soon as Jack pulled away from him. The car beeped and Jack got in waving goodbye until the car drove off. Mark felt himself tear up, "I need to tell him soon...that I cheated but now that I know for sure that I love him I don't know what's going to happen! I hope he doesn't break up with me when I do tell him" Mark got lost deep in thought when he snapped himself out of it and walked back to the cafeteria.


Felix head was down and most of the people were laughing Mark took seat. "What happened here?" He asked raising an eye brow. "She's what happened! Aubrey Chase! Ugh!" Jenna complained. "Isn't that the girl who constantly stares at you during science?" A girl called out to Mark.

Mark nodded his head quickly and rolled his eyes. A pretty girl smiled and did a wave to him she had blonde hair and purple highlights, she was wearing a tiny cat shirt showing off her stomach a little and she was wearing a short skirt. He sighed deeply before looking at messages from Yami and his brother Tom.

"Hey Markimoo! I heard you trying out for the soccer team! I'm doing track and field again, well gtg, btw you looked cute today :-)" He ignored it and check Tom's text. "heard Jack's going back to Ireland that sucks man! You must be heart broken! :-(" Mark sent a reply and slipped his phone in his pocket,


Mark laid down on his bed thoughts of Jack running in his head, thinking of way Jack smiles, the way he laughs, the way he is, and blushed remembering memories, has he liked Jack this whole time? No, he hasn't he's...he's loved him this whole time...he ran his hand through his hair and bit his lip...why did Jack being gone hurt so much! He was feeling guilty, and depressed...wait didn't he have a ticket for Ireland?

Mark jumped off his bed and went through some papers and found a ticket to Ireland he was gonna use when he was wanting to visit his friend, he grabbed his ticket and walked out to see his mother watching a show and his brother on his phone.

"Hey mom can I go to Ireland to visit Jack on the weekend possibly?" Mark asked her. She looked up "Ireland! Oh honey why so far?" Tom looked up from his phone, "yeah geez that's forever away!" Tom yelled, "please! Mom, I really miss Jack!" Mark pleaded and she sighed. "Well alright, sweetie but be careful..." She turned back to her show and Mark did a fist pump in the air.


He ran into his room just as his phone rang he ran to answer it. Smiling as he heard a silly Irish accent yell hey.

Jack : Told you I'd call as soon as I got there! Seriously, we just got in the door and I pulled out my phone! Haha!

Mark : Hey, how was your flight?

Jack : So Fucking Long!!! Good thing I slept the whole time! Haha! Anyways do ya miss me?

Mark : more than you know! I just hope your having fun! Your lucky your there Mrs. Charlie had a big hard exam!

Jack : Just so you know I'm taking what you just said out of context haha! So next time don't use hard or big haha!

Mark : oh god... haha! don't post it! The things the internet can do..weird!

Jack : too late! I'll tag you in it at least, I hate to say it but I gotta go! Bye baby!

Mark : bye Jack!

He ended his call deciding to not to tell Jack he was going to Ireland soon...a surprise would be better it was Thursday only one more day! He laid down on his bed seeing the time '5:37' he pulled the covers over and fell asleep just wanting to get Friday over with...

Awwwww!!! Surprise time! How will Jack react? Probably good! Lol well, Mark loves him and Jack loves him back! *spoiler* That secret will be out soon! Lol seeya guys! Bye my little cupcakes! ♥ - LunaLuna

we're perfectTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon