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Cɦaքtɛʀ 6



Jack had healed perfectly from his broken ankle and Mark was with him the whole way caring for him and helping anyway he could. Jack had loved him even more now... Mark was celebrating Jack's healed ankle by taking Him, Jenna, Felix, Yami, Ken and Wade to Alaska, A cabin by a lake up there. Wade slipped into the car in the back seat next to Felix and Jenna leaving a seat up front next to Mark for either Jack or Yami. "I call my seat next to Mark!" Jack yelled and jumped into the front seat where Mark was driving. Yami grunted but didn't complain and sat back in his seat next to Wade.

"WHO'S READY FOR SUMMER VACAY!!" Mark yelled hearing cheers from everyone. "Hey doofus instead of screaming how about ya drive!" Jack smirked at him. "Oh, fuck off!" Mark grunted before starting up the car. "You better expect a punch when we get to Alaska cause its coming!" Mark joked messing up Jack's hair. "Ah! Hey! not the hair!" Jack growled. "SHUT UP YOU TWO!" Yami yelled.

Mark and Jack frowned at each other and it went silent.


Jack jumped out tripping and running, "hey! Don't break your another ankle!" Mark smirked at him. Jack smiled and flipped him off. "Or better yet break it!" Yami growled. Jack and Yami glared at each other. "Hey pipe down pipsqueak!" Jack growled at him. "Oh how about you go I don't know fuck off!" "Okay!" Mark broke up the tension.

"Guys we'll be sharing rooms in the cabin Felix and Jack you get one room, Bob and Wade you get the another, Ken and Jenna, and me and Yami" Mark smiled and everyone seemed okay with there room mate. "Oh you sharing with Yami to get some privacy!" Jack called. Mark's and Yami's face went red.  "Ha! Aye Markimoo?" Jack smirked at him. "Jack...shut up!" Mark walked over to Yami grabbing his hand. "Hey what was that about?" Yami looked over his shoulder glaring at Jack.

"There's something about him I don't like!" Yami told him making Mark nervous. Jack was his best friend, Yami was his boyfriend, it wouldn't end well if they didn't get along. "What? Is it because he's a trouble maker?" Mark asked frowning slightly.

", I know that from the look of that punk...I think he might like you" Yami said tilting his head down. "Wh-what? No! No! He doesn't like me like me, where just friends.." Mark spoke rather quick. Yami raised an eye brow, "I want to hear Jack say that himself!" Yami growled. "Fine..Jack!" Mark called him over. "What?" Jack asked him. "Yami wants to talk to you!" Mark said and walked away leaving them alone. "What? Do you want!" Jack snapped.

"Do you like Mark like in a boyfriend kind of way?" "Whoa..dude no! Look if you think that I do change that thought around cause he's just my friend and if I did you wouldn't of known!" Jack snapped. "Fine... And I'm pretty sure if you did I'd find out! But to be honest I don't believe you!" Yami growled. "Think what you think pipsqueak!" Jack ran over joining Felix and Jenna. Out of the blue Felix yelled "I NEED YOUR HELP BROS!"


"Felix what's the problem?" Jack asked. "I want to ask out Jenna! She's just so funny and pretty bros help me!" Felix put his hands over his face. "Calm down bud" Yami patted his back. "But I think someone who here is straight can help" Yami suggested. "What are you talking about?..there's no one here right now straight!" Felix said. "Huh?" "Well yeah I'm straight..but its pretty obvious you and Mark are gay and Jack's-" "FELIX!" Jack warned. "Bisexual" Felix finished and Yami seemed mad and shocked. "God damn!" Jack yelled in frustration.

"So so... You do like guys!" Yami stood up growling at him. "Yeah but not your damn boyfriend!" Jack got up as well. "!" Felix bit his lip realizing he just caused a fight. "Oh sure..its Mark were talking about everyone wants a chance with him luckily I was the lucky one" Yami smirked. "Oh good for you hopefully one day he kicks your ass!" Jack growled. "Too bad, that's not gonna happen!" Yami growled. "Oh..wanna keep talking maybe he doesn't have the guts too but I do so I'd shut up if I were you!" Jack clenched his fists. "Bring It On!" Yami growled. "Yami no!" Mark called. "He's never lost a fight don't get yourself hurt!" Jack smirked at him. "Listen to him at least he's got some brains!" Yami growled at him and walked off joining Mark. "Don't get yourself into a fight with him he's never lost and he once got a kid killed please be careful around Jack please!" Mark pleaded. "If it makes you happy then of course!" Yami smiled and shared a kiss with him. "Thank you!"

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