We Will Never Be Broken

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I hated being this close to Thranduil's palace in Mirkwood. Thranduil had never really wanted me to marry Legolas. Deep inside, I could tell Thranduil hated me. I had three children, Anna in honour of my grandmother, Oropher in honour of Legolas's grandfather and the youngest Celebrim in honour of my father.  Both of the boys were amazing fighters. Oropher being 650 and Celebrim being 498. Anna was 546. But Anna was the best fighter out of the children. Legolas loved her very much, and although he said he didn't have favourites, Anna was, in his heart. 

I sat on the soft grass watching the boys having a duel. Anna was sitting next to me, knitting a cloak. I was watching the boys calling out tips. They hated it, but they loved it too.
"Celebrim, watch your left! Oropher, more strength in that swing!" And so on. Anna was laughing as I got very excited. I smiled and playfully punched her shoulder.
"Don't laugh!"
"Sorry Natha. But it is funny!" I pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek. Now the boys were swimming in the lake, splashing and laughing.
"My lady?" I turned around to face Tauriel's sour face. Tauriel was once in love with Legolas, until she met Kili. Then he died and Legolas left. Now he has returned and she wants him back.
"Yes captain?"
"The king wishes to speak with you." I nodded and got off the grass. I brushed off my light blue dress and followed Tauriel back to the palace.

Thranduil was waiting in his throne when I walked up the stairs. I bowed and he walked down.
"Vilya, how are you?"
"Good thank you, my lord. And you?" He gave a strange smile and replied
"Fine." He walked towards me and sat on the bottom stair at his throne. I stood and watched him waiting.
"I can guess you are wondering why you are here?" I gave a nod.
"Well I want you to move to the palace."
"Thank you, my lord, but no thank you." He stood up and angrily replied
"Then you may go." I walked away and back home.

"What did Grandfather want?" Anna asked.
"Nothing. Is Ada back?" Anna nodded and pointed towards the lake. I smiled. Legolas was talking to the boys. I took Anna's hand and we walked over them.

Legolas gently pulled me into a hug, while Tauriel stood by watching. He gave me a small kiss and tossed Anna's hair.
"Legolas, your father once again asked us to move." Legolas sighed and replied
"Just leave it." He turned back to the boys. I bit on my lip. Legolas was hiding something. I forced a smile for Anna and said
"I will go and get dinner ready." I walked back slowly to the house.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son 2 (Legolas Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now