Chapter Seventeen

Comincia dall'inizio

I left the room, sick and tired of this attitude he has. One minutes he's bugging me to talk to him and the next the roles are switched. I'm done with it.

"I'm going to Ashton and Calum's!" I yelled loudly, absolutely positive that they heard me. I left the house and then slammed the door.

What the hell is wrong with Michael?


"Hi love, what's up?" Calum asked as he opened the door. "You seem upset."

"Michael is being all hot and cold with me and I'm sick of it." I said and walked in. "One day he's laughing and joking with me, then the next he's all shut off and he won't even look at me."

"I see." He said and nodded. "So, I know Ashton is teaching you drums and when Ashton is upset, he plays drums, so, let's go to the basement."

I nodded and then followed him down there. I sat down on Ashton's stool and Calum handed me a pair of drumsticks. "I'll go tell him you're here. He's reading."

I nodded and he went upstairs. After he closed the door, I looked at the drum kit. I stepped on the pedal for the kick drum and then I hit the snare drum, finishing it by crashing the hi-hats together.

Yeah, I know my drum parts now, fight me.

I continued the pattern, occasionally switching the hi-hats to the ride cymbal. I smiled to myself and then hit took a deep breath before I began to hit random ones that I remember from a YouTube video.

I got bored one night and watched drum covers and guitar covers and random dance competitions. It was weird and I made sure to delete my history right after.

Ashton and Calum walked down and I stopped. "I uh got a bit upset and then hit the snare and after that I just took my frustrations out on your drum kit."

"Same." He said and laughed. "Heard Mikey was being an ass?" I nodded and he pulled another stool to him and then rolled over to me.

"Calum, Bass me."

"Keep your hands off my bass." Calum said and I hit the drum kit as I glared at him. "Okay! You can borrow my bass! Just don't mess it up." He said and I smiled sweetly.

"Thank you." I said and pushed my bandana up since it was falling. I tightened it and Ashton began to play the bass.

"Calum's bass is so out of tune it hurts." Ashton said and I laughed as he began to turn the knobs, playing the strings. I chuckled and he turned to me. "You're dressed like me."

"It was accidental. I just grabbed whatever I thought would look cute. I went to the mall so I had to look decent." I said and he nodded.

"Where did you go?" He asked as he continued tuning the bass. "Like, what stores and stuff inside the mall?"

"Stopped by a dress shop to buy a dress for my Halloween costume. I also stopped by a Halloween store to pick up everything else needed." I said and he nodded. "Jacob drove me and we spent some time shopping. It was fun."

"What are you gonna be?" He asked as he played the bass guitar in his hands. "I'm gonna be Jack Skellington and my girlfriend's gonna be Sally."

"Do I get to meet her?" I asked and he nodded. "Yes! I get to meet the person Ashton gets to call girlfriend. Boo yeah." I said and he laughed.

"What are you gonna be? You never answered my question." He told me and stopped playing.

"Gonna be the walking dead basically. Not exactly a vampire but not a zombie. I don't know. I'm just going to be the walking dead." I told him and he nodded.

"Nice." He said and I spun the drumsticks on my hand. "You learned how to do that?" He asked and I nodded. I threw the drumsticks up and then caught them, setting them above the lower tom drum and snare.

"I'm the new Ashton Irwin." I said and he laughed. "I'm twenty-one years old and I I have a girlfriend who I love so dearly and I live with an idiot who doesn't know how to tune his instrument." I said and he laughed harder.

"It's funny because it's true." He told told me as he played a bassline from a familiar song. "Okay, I want you to do do the same pattern you did earlier but faster and use the ride cymbal after the fourth time." He said and I nodded. "Quickly, as fast as you can."

I nodded and did as he said. I moved as quick as I could and he smiled brightly as he nodded his head. I nodded my head and we both bursted out laughing as my bun came undone.

My hair fell everywhere and I stopped. "That's how I felt at every concert, so I cut my hair." He said and I pushed it all back.

I fixed the bandana and nodded as I put my hair tie around my wrist. "I am ready." I said and he looked at me while nodding.

"This next one is from our song Don't Stop okay?"

"Got it. Let's do this."


"Katelyn! Ashton! How d-ew You're all sweaty." Calum said disgustedly as he set some bowls of pasta down. "Luke texted me and asked if you could stay the night. He and Michael are fighting and he doesn't want you caught in it."

"Can I at least go back and get some clothes?"

"Don't think so, knowing them, doors will be slamming and there will be a lot of screaming." Calum said and I sighed.

"My girlfriend left some clothes here, you can borrow her shorts, I doubt she'll mind. Then you can like, I don't know, take one of our shirts or something. Last time time we tried interfering with a Muke fight, my kit was smashed." Ashton said.

"Okay, that sounds fine then Ashton." I said and he nodded me towards his room. I followed him in and he tossed me some shorts. "I'd let you borrow a shirt of her's but they're uh..."

"Hmm?" I asked since he was mumbling. "They're what?" I asked and he mumbled again. "I don't understand."

"They're ripped." He said and I looked at him. He was a blushing mess. Oh. "Want a shirt?"

"Please, and preferably a long sleeve please because it gets cold at night." I said and he nodded.

He went in his closet and handed me a black and white long sleeve. It matched the black volleyball shorts he let me borrow, sweet. "Thanks Ash." I said and he nodded.

"Of course. I guess you'll have to wear the same undergarments though." He said and I nodded.

"It's okay. I'll be able to go back soon. I doubt they'll stay too mad at each other. They'll get over it because they'll see that it's stupid to fight and they'll pobably have bum sex to make up for whatever they did or said." I said and he laughed.

"Exactly what I was thinking. Anyways, you you can use the shower and stuff down the hall. It's fine. You can eat dinner after, unless you rather eat first?" He asked.

"I'll shower first. Thanks again Ashton." I said and he nodded. I left his room and then went to the bathroom.

Time to figure out how to use their shower, it can't be too hard, right?


Question of the chapter:

-Why do you think Muke are fighting?

Author's answer:

-Michael is probably butthurt that he lost a game of Fifa to Luke cx

Reader's answer:


Adopted By MukeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora