31-Princess?! Part 3

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I slowly opened my eyes, seeing the scorching sun above me. I sat up and looked around, seeing that I was outside of the city.

I was sitting on a small dais with a moon symbol on it. I was surrounded by sand and the city was just a small distance away.

I stood up and began walking in the direction of the city, but was yanked back. That's when I realized that I had metal restraints on my wrists and neck that were connected to a post, holding me on the dais.

I don't understand. Why did Omar do this? Aren't I supposed to fight the sand serpent? My eyes widen at the sudden realization.

Oh no, I think I'm supposed to be eaten. I couldn't change form because the restraint on my neck would choke me. I struggled and pulled against the chains but I had no way of freeing myself.

I'm so scared. Am I really going to die here? I felt the ground shake slightly under my feet. I felt tears beginning to form in my eyes.

It's coming. This is it. Oh Kid, I'm so sorry. I should've listened to you. I felt another shake and began crying in fear. Please, somebody help me.

Kid's pov

Clyde and I rushed into the palace. Luna was nowhere to be found. Entering the dining room, we found all of our weapons passed out at the table.

Omar entered the room and I angrily said, "What have you done?"

He simply replied, "They're okay, I simply drugged them. I can't allow you to interfere."

I stormed over and grabbed him by the collar. "Where's Luna?"

"I...I can't say."

I heard Clyde come over. I shook Omar and glared into his eyes. "Where is she?"

I felt my anger rise while Omar had a fearful look on his face. Clyde grabbed my shoulder, easing my nerves a bit as he spoke.

"Trust me, you don't want to make a reaper angry."

Omar finally said, "Okay, okay! She's just north of the town on the large moon dais!"

I shoved him down and began leaving with Clyde following. I heard Omar yell out, "Please, you must not interfere! You'll doom this city!"

I glanced back at him. "I don't care!"

I grabbed Clyde's arm as I ran outside. I quickly summoned Beelzebub and hopped on, pulling Clyde on behind me. He held onto my shoulders as we flew over the city.

I could already see it. A dais with a moon symbol out in the middle of the sand. We flew down to it and landed. That's where Luna was, chained up, unable to leave the dais.

Luna's pov

Hearing something behind me, I turned to see Kid and Clyde stepping off Beelzebub. With tears streaming down my face, I rushed over and tackled Kid with a hug.

"I'm so glad to see you, both of you! I should have listened to you, Kid! I'm so sorry!"

I felt his arms wrap around me. "Luna. It's okay now. We're getting you out of here."

I felt him kiss my head as I cried. When I pulled away, I asked, "Where are our weapons?"

Clyde sighed. "Omar drugged them. We're on our own."

My eyes widened slightly as more tears fell from them. "Then this is it! I'm going to be eaten!"

Kid suddenly placed his hands on my cheeks, holding my face in his hands. He wiped some of my tears away and gazed at me with a worried expression.

A Meister's Curse (A Soul Eater Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن