Chapter Two - JB | Hot Stuff.

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For once I'm not entirely focused on the routine for today. 'Stop, stop it' came out a while ago, so today is a recap just for the Aussie crew.

But today I can't cope. This time, there's a pretty girl in my presence with piercing green eyes. In her own way she's blunt and graceful at the same time.

I know the others see her too, so I must keep them from talking about Tanya, "Okay guys," I speak in Korean so that they can too, "We're doing 'Stop, stop it' and today's routine needs to be flawless and cheeky-"

"-Tanya's really gorgeous, isn't she?" Jackson also says in Korean. The others agree.

"Do you think she has a boyfriend?" Jr. asks.

"Guys," I repeat, "This is serious. She's not a distraction, okay?" But deep down, I know she will be.

"Okay," this time in English I speak up, "I'll just start the music." I move over to the computer where Tanya stands by, checking her camera once more. I want to say something to her, but the lack of experience stops me.

"Hajima, haji, haji, haji hajima..." the music has started and I leap into place.

Something changes inside of me and the need to impress Tanya rises.

I'm not the only one however, and I see Jackson, Jr. and even Yugyeom try their best to get her attention. She remains stoic though, and she plays it well with the camera, looking through the lens.

I see no flash from her camera though, so the crew must have told her to take a video instead.

I try my best to be cheeky and such, like Jackson as he does with ease.

I wink, bite my lip and try everything to make Tanya notice... but she remains focused anyway. I've gotta hand it to her, that is admirable.

Soon the song finished and we wait until Tanya stops recording.

"Great job, guys." She smiles and immediately I become weak at the knees, but I don't show it.

I let out a huff of breath moving over to the computer shutting it down. We're done for the day.

Tanya moves over to where both crews converse about whatever, "We should hang out with her..." Jackson enthuses.

"Who?" I act clueless.

"Tanya, stupid." Jackson says and before I can suggest a 'no', he calls out to Tanya, "Hey did you uh... wanna hang out?"

Tanya shakes her head, smiling politely, but her Mum cuts in, "Sure thing, sweetie," and she shoots a grin to Tanya, "Andy, Jerry, Tom and I were heading to the hotel anyway to unpack. You should all get acquainted."

Tanya sighs and I almost giggle, "Okay..."


She just left for the bathroom, and us boys are relaxing on the floor.
But I'd be lying if there wasn't a 'huge elephant' in the room.

"So how's this going to work?" Jackson asks, aloud.

"How's what going to work?" I ask, once again pretending.

"She's pretty, isn't she?" Jr. asks.

"Which one of us gets the girl?" Jackson asks finally, as if anticipated.

"She could be gay, you know." Yugyeom points out.
"I doubt it," Jackson says, "I can tell, you know."

"Are you guys really asking this? You sound pathetic.." I say to them, hypocritically.

Mark, Youngjae and Bambam however are laughing and in my grumpy state, I need to ask, "What's with you two?"

"Nothing..." Mark grins.

Tanya walks in and immediately Jackson is to his feet. He's making it too obvious,

"Hey Tanya," before she can respond to all of us, Jackson grabs her hand and she sits down with the rest of us.

"I can't remember the last time I've met a gentleman." she says and smiles a little smile to Jackson - and me, I feel a little jealous of her look.

"So Tanya," I speak up, "Where exactly are you from?"

"Brisbane," she notices our blank looks, "It's in Queensland..."
"Ohh...." we all chime.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Jackson asks way out of hand and Tanya goes red in the face, in fact we all do.

"Uh no... But I do have a-"

"Girlfriend?" Yugyeom asks.

She laughs, "No, I was just going to say I have a dog back home." We all exhale to some extent, but we shouldn't have made it obvious for her to see, "Why do you ask?"

"Just a simple question for conversation," Jackson says, "Isn't it a simple question?" he asks us and we nod along, "See?"

"Okay..." Tanya sounds a little creeped out, but she musters a friendly smile, "Do you guys have girlfriends?"

We give each other a look. It's like we share a telepathic link and we all ask the same question: Should we tell her?

"Mark and Bambam do," I panic, lying, but Jackson, Jr. and Yugyeom seem to put in.

"Yeah they always spend time with their girlfriends - what are their names?" Jr. says.

"I think it was Mary and Sunshi-" Yugyeom says, but Tanya stops him.

"-How's that possible?" Tanya asks, "Don't you all have a ban on dating?"

All of us, except for Mark and Bambam are speechless. The two laugh in our faces and soon Tanya laughs, "You four are bloody good actors, I'll give you that."

"You knew, huh?" Jr. asks almost whispering.

"Yeah uh..." she looks straight at me with those beautiful green eyes, "Jerry told me."

"Why would he tell you?" this time I speak up.

"Why wouldn't he?" Tanya asks and we hear a beep from her phone, "According to them I'm just a hormonal eighteen-year old girl. Apparently my main goal is to get into your panties."

We all laugh, "Our panties?" Yugyeom asks between giggles.

"You're really blunt, aren't you?" Jackson eyes her and I see him bite his lip.

She bites her lip and soon the space goes into slow motion. Oh no. She's into Jackson, "Blunt as a spoon." she says.

"Is it an Australia thing?"

"Is asking questions a Korean thing?" she asks straight away.

We laugh, but soon I just stare straight at her.

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