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Have you ever wanted something but never wanted to admit that you wanted it? like having new hair and wanting someone to notice but if you said something you would be almost wrong ? I guess that was my case I wanted hiccup, if that's what you want to hear, but let's face it that would never happen to me.

The day of the dance special I know, not for me honestly all this new school has brought is a dirty mess. I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair curled to perfection falling on the right side of my head. First time it's out of a braid. Natural makeup for me can't wear to much or else I look like a girl on a regular basis at my school. I loom down at the dress, it's beautiful you could say it has a cross for its self on my chest and a belt full of diamonds and gems. It flows down to the ground leaving just enough room for my one leg and the silver strap high heels my mom gave me." Here goes nothing." I whisper to myself." Mom I'm ready." I yell as I try to walk down the stairs." Oh honey you look beautiful. Let me take a picture." She said as she clapped her hands."
Honestly mom I should really get going my friends are already here." And with that sentence there was a knock on the door." Come in!" I yelled." Ohhhh Astrid you look beautiful !!" Anna said as she hugged me tight." Oh good now I'll have a picture of all of you! Smile!!"
My mom said as she held the camera. My friends swarmed around me and smiled and I joined in." Okay girls go have fun ! " she yelled to the towards the door." You know Astrid your not like the other girls in our school. I mean to sing like you mean it every time and you don't wear 50 pounds of makeup every day. Your simple and I think that's why hiccup likes you so much." Elsa said to me as we walked out Anna and punzie were ahead of us giggling and talking." You think that's why, cause he is getting on my last nerve." I said as I avoided a tiny rock in the driveway." Really cause I think deep down in your heart you like him too." She said as she gave a tiny smirk." If you think that your crazy.." I said as I hoped in the passenger seat." No, Astrid I see those walls you build up I once did that because I wasn't confident in myself I was a mystery to everyone around me. You build up your walls because someone close to you has left you before." She said." How did... " I whispered." Yes someone who was very close to me left me." I answered, daring not to make eye contact with her." You gonna tell me who?" She asked a little curious." It was my father.." I said as I looked down at my perfectly done nails." I was always a daddy's girl. I loved him more than ever, even more than horses and at the time I didn't have stormfly yet. We did everything together and my mom and Hazel spent more time together. Before he left he gave me stormfly that is why she is important to me she is the only thing I have left of my father. So one night after me and my dad did our night check he went to see our new stud, he was being crazy in his stall because of the storm that night, he opened the stall door and everything happened so fast the horse ran out trampling my father to the group stepping on every known limb I could see. I saw the blood and I ran for my mother. Later that night in the hospital my father died from brain damage. I never let anyone in after that loving someone is difficult my mother and hazel are very lucky I let them in that why I don't let hazel go to the barn or anywhere near a stud or an unstable horse, or my mom." I said letting one tear escape." Astrid I'm so sorry I didn't want to upset you. I'm just glad you told me. I too have had my mother die on me my father was broken so I had to care for Anna." She whispered to me good thing Anna and punzie were listening to there music and to busy talking to hear us." I'm sorry." I said to her." Well you will learn to let people back in you just need to try and start with someone like hiccup. That's how I started letting jack in." She smiled a little at the mention of his name."
I can tell your very fond of him." I said with a sly smirk." Well he makes me happy." She said." Ah we are here!" I yelled." Yay I thought that ride was longer than it needed to be!" Anna yelled as she rushed out the car to hug kristoff." Flynn is here!" Punzie yelled as she rushed to meet her date." Well this where I lead you in I guess jack is in there waiting for me." Elsa said as she took my hand and we walked together as best friends." Who needs boy when you got a friend?" I said as I smiled up at my tall friend." Who needs em?" She laughed a little as we opened the gym doors to see the people smiling like there is nothing with that its just I wasn't used to seeing this school so happy to be so at, well school. She smiled for once. But then her smile faded there she was Vanessa and Merida. They were looking beautiful as al ways. Merida had her messy hair in a ponytail and he bangs well just the right way to made her face look like an angel and as for Vanessa she was looking fake she had so much foundation on that she looked liked a Barbie doll her winged eyeliner made her brown eyes pop out of her head and her hair was curled not to much but just enough to make her look like an goddess. I was watching the two supposedly 'best friends' but they didn't act like it well Merida was smiling and having a good time but Vanessa wasn't smiling and wasn't dancing she was staring at Merida and fighting with her probably about the fact they both like the same boy." Girls get so giddy over boys." I said to myself just to turn around to find all three of my friends dancing to the song all blushing, blushing hard. I smiled at them. I didn't Know them for very long but I felt like I have known them for a millions of years. They were predictable, fall for a boy be theirselves and hope and it worked all the other girls that I have watched ever since I got to this school is they fall for a boy, change for the boy, and hope and it usually never works out. Because they are not themselves. " I chose the good ones for friends." I whispered to myself. Maybe I did like hiccup maybe I did like him this whole time but who cares really myself is never good enough. I'm fine being alone I have stormfly and that's who I will ever need." You chose good ones. That's correct." I heard a voice say beside me." I let them go." I turned my head to see Merida my enemy from day one." Sorry?" I asked a little astounded by her remark." Before I became popular I was friends with them the best group of friends since grade one, but I got sucked into the popular side of life and I let them go I let being fake more important than having true friends." She started to cry a little bit she didn't want to ruin her makeup I could tell." But whatever they won't forgive me I know I wouldn't forgive me so I think maybe I should just go back to trying to change the fakes to natural." She said so quickly I didn't even get to respond." Also, Astrid I'm sorry for being so rude to you. Honestly Vanessa was only telling me to do that stuff." She whispered to my ear."
I forgive you..." I whispered back. She nodded and returned to her fake friends. I made my way to the snack table and picked up a cookie, cookies are good like super sweet and full of sugar.. And I'm super bored. I bite into the cookie and sat down on one of the sideline chairs for the losers, which I kinda was." So you joined us you joined the loser bench." He said." Not in the mood." I said with no expression." Well that's not very nice." I coil hear the chuckle in his voice." Look I know your mad at me because I didn't visit toothless during his injury, but they only reason why was because trying to get there I fell and had a concussion. I was out and didn't remember a lot and I was told not to go near horses until I was healed completely I tried to come and at least say hi but my mom wouldn't budge." He said to my ear." I see well I have forgiven you for that I heard about your concussion and your reason." I said not looking at him and continuing my cookie." Then why are." He asked." Because your the first guy to take an interest in me since I became this way and I just don't think that it's fair to you to keep you waiting like this because I try to push you away but you just keeping pushing yourself deeper into my life and I'm tired of thinking!" I I yelled loud enough for anyone around us to hear luckily the last person near us got up and started to dance." Is that bad I took an interest in you?" He asked." Yes because most people don't they just think I'm a freak and leave me alone and this this is uncharted territory for me." I said as I finished the last bite of my cookie." Well uncharted territory is good sometimes because then you can understand a little more." He said as he drank some more of his punch." I'm just scared to get close to someone again. No one has ever gotten that close since my dad and I how sly can't have anyone in there because they will twist me up and tear out my heart before I even know I'm falling and I can't have that happen. I put up these walls for a minute yet you still fight for me. Why?" I asked him and I finally looked at him his greens eyes full of care something I only see when he isn't around that Vanessa girl or Merida." Because I can see you put up those walls and I can see your hurt inside you are selfless and brave and don't let anyone get to you and that makes me have every right to care for a girl who's true to herself. Your fearless I mean when I watched you ride once you would go out into the field and just run with your horse she would follow you like a puppy and you would smile like there were no walls and I understood your love for horses was unbreakable and that's what people used to think of me the horse crazy boy and the girls likes that and I put up walls because my mom left me along time ago and I learned not to let anyone in. That's when I thought I'm just making myself more miserable with these walls so I tire them down and I opened myself up and that made me happy, now for god sake just go and dance with me!" He yelled the last part which caught me off guard I looked him straight in the eye and I saw it pure care and pure emotion his green eyes were more green then ever and I could see he wanted this." If I dance will you promise me something?" I asked him." Yeah I promise you anything." He whispered." That you will never break me." I said as I let a tear escape." I promise Astrid." He said as he took my hand and lead me to dance floor
I think I'm ready

Okay so I'm a b***** because I haven't updated but this chapter has like 2234 words and there's still a chapter two so I was really trying also I don't know if I said this already but I started this book with no plan at all I was just gonna make it up as I go and I see know that was not a good plan so for all of you patiently waited thank you and I'm sorry again...

Chapter 20 coming soonn

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