bathroom trips

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willy WANKa sat on the toilet, waiting for his poo to get out of his system. He sighed in happiness as he heard the beautiful sound of the log hit the water in the bowl. He got up, wiping his bum and he peered into the bowl, looking for a green blob. 

Through the brown goo, Willy WANKa noticed shrek in the mix. He smiled, running through his poop to find his lover. Once he found shrek, he kissed his lip, licking the poop of him. 

'I AM SERRH", Willy WANKa cried, his tears wiping some of the left over brown shit off him. 

"its okah", shreks Scottish accent was thick as he cried, and willy smiled at him, bringing him over to the stretching room to stretch his body, and maybe his dong a long. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2015 ⏰

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