Sarah - Room 3

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Sarah still held the memory of Kramer's breath on her neck as she woke, strapped tightly onto a chair by her chest and waist. She was sat at the end of a long table, that stretched out into blackness. In front of her was a silver plate and cutlery set, and just out of her reach was a large meat cleaver. As she struggled, she realised that her arms and neck had been left free. It was as though she was supposed to eat.
A figure stepped out from behind her, dragging a seat behind them. Their face was obscured by shadow, but Sarah felt a strange recognition nonetheless. As the figure sat beside her, the story clicked in her mind. The man's face was still hidden, but to her he had no face, yet she still knew him. He had been a story in her childhood, a recurring figure in her nightmares. He didn't have a name, he just was. And now he faced her.
"Hello", he said. "Are you sitting comfortably?"
He kicked her backwards, raised the cleaver, and bought it down onto her ankle.
As she screamed, he slid her back under the table, and slammed her foot onto the plate.

He grabbed her neck, and tilted her chair back onto two legs. "Eat", he growled, and she saw a flicker of Kramer's inhuman smile through the shadow. He let go, and she fell hard onto the chair's front legs, hitting her stump painfully on the ground as she did.
She slid the plate along the table, and shook her head. The man roared, and the sound echoed in her head. He held out a hand, and her control of her arms and jaw left her. He slid the plate back, and this time she picked up the cutlery and began to cut into her foot.

Despite it not being a part of her, she felt the pain with every cut she made. Blood ran from the stump, and coated the floor beneath her. As she sliced open her foot, removing chunks of flesh, cutting off the toes, every wound hurt as though it was the first.
She raised the first chunk to her mouth, and unwillingly she opened her jaw to receive it. She chewed on her flesh, and swallowed it slowly, forced to taste it. Blood ran up her throat, and she spat it out onto her plate.
The man kept his control of her through each mouthful, as she ate her own flesh. She picked out every last string, leaving only a plate of bones and dried blood when she finished. She regained control of her body, and immediately threw up over the plate.
"Did you enjoy your meal?", the man asked her.
She screamed at him, coughing up blood and chunks of meat.
"Don't make a mess", he said dryly. "That was only your first course"

He took the cleaver and kicked her backwards again. "I could do this forever"

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