In Time

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As the doctors watched Daniel's mind burn, they felt a presence arriving in their building, sooner than they had planned for. "I can take this one", Kramer told Doe.
"Thank you", Doe answered with a smile. He opened the door, and went to meet the next patient.

Sarah stood by the reception, tapping her fingers on the desk. Nobody was there when she walked in, and there was no bell or alarm to call for help. She was considering walking through when Kramer arrived, his tall frame towering over the short woman. "Miss Reese?", he asked her.
"That's me", she replied. "Can you tell me what I'm helping you with, you weren't so clear on the sign. I just signed up for the fifty years"
"In time, Miss Reese", the doctor answered dryly. "And you should know we're offering more than fifty years, that was just for the press. We can make you live forever, the rest you will know when the time comes"

He led her down the long series of corridors to the room just along from the previous two patients. As they walked, she noticed how odd the doctor was. He was more than tall, he was over two feet taller than her, yet he was almost as thin as a pencil. His face wasn't human, his smile alone showed that. And there was a certain gracefulness in his movement that seemed unnatural, he was elegant with his walk, and his bony fingers were like a magician's each time he reached for something.

"Through here please, Miss", he asked as he opened up testing room 3. She walked cautiously towards the bed, intimidated by the amount of machinery connected to it. Then, Kramer opened the canister that sat behind the door, and he caught her quickly as she collapsed, his magician's hands wrapping around her shoulders. Her world went black, and she was left with the memory of his smile, breathing down her neck.

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