Mark - Room 1

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Mark woke up on a bare concrete floor, aches and pains in his back. The floor appeared to stretch endlessly, there were no walls or ceiling to be seen. Aside from him, there was nothing and nobody around.
He stood, pain still growing in his back. The floor was growing cold on his bare feet, he cried out, but no reply came.

Kramer and Doe stood in the testing room, where Mark's body lay on the bed. They watched his nightmare unfolding in front of them on the screens, fed to them by the wires drilled into his skull. Liquid flowed into his mind from the large tank above his head, fuelling his dreams. The two creatures said nothing as they watched, in fact they didn't move at all. They didn't twitch, or blink, or even breathe. Before them, Mark began to shake and thrash, his mouth opened and poured blood.

He collapsed as his back jolted, as if a knife had been rammed between the discs of his spine. There were cracks as his elbows and knees dislocated, and the lower halves of his limbs twisted to face backwards. His spine cracked and bent in two, and he cried out again.
Then his limbs and back started to extend, and as his bones grew his muscle could only stretch, creating cracks and tears as they grew longer than should have been possible. His skin became pale, to the point of being white, and his veins appeared black as they showed through. His nerves pinched at the points where the bones had dislocated, and white noise rang out in his head as he screamed. His arms and legs had grown by around a foot, and his back by the same amount. His bones clicked back into place, and with one last wrench of pain they ground back around to face the correct direction.

His face was damp with sweat, and he felt around his head to find twelve small holes in his skull. When he removed his hands they were sticky with black blood, dripping from his overly long fingers. More blood began to pour from his skull, and it ran down his face to his neck. When he opened his mouth it was quickly filled with the black liquid, and he felt the need to vomit. With a spasm he spewed out a puddle of dark green bile, burning his throat as it passed through.

His neck arched backwards and snapped. It quickly snapped back, and the bone shrank inwards, pouring more black liquid from its pores as it did. Now his neck was as thin as his limbs, which after their stretching looked to him almost cable-like. The veins in his neck were also black, not that he could see them.
His jaw opened involuntarily, and his tongue jabbed outwards. His jaw snapped back down, and his tongue was severed. His mouth opened again, this time much further than it was meant to go. The action tore his cheeks, forming an inhuman grin that flapped about as he screamed in pain. His lower mouth hung from its skin, no longer held by the bone or muscle. He put his hand into the bile he had thrown up, it burned his skin and made a red, smoking mark that stood out from the white.

Kramer turned to his partner, and commented "Enough observation, I believe. Are your notes complete?"
"They are", Doe replied. "Shall we move along? I believe the next patient is due their appointment, we don't wish to disappoint"
"Of course", grinned the doctor. "Who would want to wait for immortality?"

Mark lay on the cold concrete floor, his stretched limbs were too thin to find comfort, and every position he lay in pinched his nerves. His eyes were obscured by his dark blood, and his jaw was leaving a raw spot on his chest where it bashed against it. He couldn't cry out, or run, he could only lie in discomfort for the rest of eternity.

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