14. Dining with the Ranfords

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The car came to a complete stop before her mother spoke. "Are you nervous?"
She shook her head in the motion "no." But in reality, her stomach was filled with butterflies. She knew that this whole dinner was riding on her future. Kirsten grabbed her bag and paced herself up the large driveway. She pressed the large doorbell followed by the large sounds of a grand piano. The door flew open and a man in a black tux stood before them. "Hello."
"Good evening," her mother smiled. "We are-"
"Oh you must be the Reeves." He spoke. "Mr. Ranford has been expecting you, come this way." He lead them into the large dining room where the table was full of large supplements of food. The large room stood with a large oak brown table with six seats equivalently that were spaced amongst each other. Large purple drapes hung from the large windows that completed the deep brown wall coloring.
"You made it." Mr. Ranford entered in the large room with even a larger smile.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Her mother gave a pleasant smile.
"Well how about something to drink?" He chuckled.
"A white wine for me," her mother responded. "and a water for Kirsten."
Kirsten rolled her eyes at the thought of drinking water the whole night.
"Coming right up." Mr. Ranford gave a another smile. "Marshall!"
Entered in was the man who opened the front door for them. "Yes sir?"
"Bring two glasses of our finest white wine, and a glass of water." Mr. Ranford ordered. Marshall nodded in acceptance and disappeared.
"You have such a lovely home." Kirsten smiled.
"Why thank you," Mr. Ranford smiled. "It wouldn't be this way without my wife. She can't join us, she's out of town. Why don't you come in the living room before dinner, I'll introduce you into my kids."
Kids? Kirsten thought to herself. I thought it was just a son.
They followed Mr. Ranford inside the grand living room where two teens sat on the long black leather sofa.
"Christopher, Chloe stand up and introduce yourselves." Mr. Ranford commanded.
Christopher stood first, followed by Chloe. He had long curly brown hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. His hazel eyes made his caramel skin blend well together. Heightened a few inches above his father, her neck kinda broke when she looked at him.
"I'm Christopher." His deep voice spoke.
"Hi I'm Chloe." His sister followed. She had shoulder length straight brown her hair with blonde highlights. She had deep brown eyes that looked as she could see into somebodies soul. Her curvaceous body made Kirsten a little jealous but she figured she could beat her with her brains.
"Hi, I'm Kirsten." She responded. "I love your sweater."
"Thank you!" Chloe gave a cheerful smile. "Your hair color is to totally die for."
"Kids, why don't you show Kirsten around." Mr. Ranford spoke. "Allows the grown folk speak." He gave her mom a slick smile that made her feel uncomfortable. But before she could speak on it, Chloe gripped her hand and pulled her up their large stairs. "Let's go to my room, you'll love it." They flew inside Chloe's large teal colored room.
"Wow," Kirsten gazed around the large space. "Your room is-"
"Thank you." Chloe interrupted. "I get that a lot." She flopped down on her bed flipping through a magazines.
"You do?" Kirsten leaned against the wall.
"Yeah." Chloe sighed. "It gets pretty old."
"Well do you have any friends?" Kirsten asked.
"Yeah, a few." Chloe spoke.
Just a few? Kirsten thought. With a house so big, I'm surprised she doesn't have a flock of girls at her house.
"You could always hang out with me and my friends." Kirsten suggested. She barely knew Chloe from a can of paint but she felt like it was the right thing to do.
"Thank you for the invitation," Chloe smiled. "But I'll have to pass. I wouldn't want to intrude."
"There's no intruding, I could set something up. It's no problem." Kirsten smiled. "You could bring your brother also." She had to slip that in because she wouldn't mind seeing more of him in the future.
Footsteps crept up the stairs suddenly Christopher head peeked up. "Dinner is ready." He shot her a smile that made her heart jump a little. She and Chloe followed behind him to see what the night could encounter.

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