2. Cry Me a River

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Samantha's mother pulled her up to school. She put the car in park and sighed. "Your father called me."
Samantha gave a quick eye roll before pressing her back against the wall. "I don't care."
"You need to care." Her mother said. "He's still your father. Don't you think it's time for you two to speak?" Samantha could feel her mother's eyes beating down on her as she stared out of the window.
"There's nothing to talk about." Samantha growled. She flashed back to her mother confessing of her father taking all of their money. Her body filled with anger as she remembered her dads excuse "it doesn't look right buts it's the best." Bullshit. She thought to herself. "Why are you even talking to him?"
"Because he's still the father of my child." Her mother placed her arm on Samantha's shoulder. "I think talking to him is the best thing to do."
"No mom." She shrugged her mother's comfort. "There's nothing to talk about," her mind wandered into the territory of what it would be if her relationship with her father was better.
"I just want the best for this family," her mom sighed.
"THERE IS NO FAMILY MOM!" Samantha screamed. "DADS GONE!" Warm tears rushed down her freshly tanned skin. "There is nothing we can do."
"God!" Her mother hit the steering wheel. "Why did it have to be like that?!"
Samantha sobbed a little removing the tears from her face. She couldn't see her mother cried, she knew  what she had to do. "I'll talk to him."
"You will?" Her mom sobbed. Samantha nodded and her mom broke into a large smile. "Thank you so much." Her mother pulled her into a tight hug. Samantha could smell her mother's strong smell of her Michael Kors perfume.
"This means so much to me." Her mother smiled. "Look at us, crying and what not."
"It'll be fine." Samantha sighed. "I'll make it fine, I'll promise." Samantha took a deep breath before giving her mom a last hug.
"Have a good day at school." Her mom sniffled before speeding off. Samantha readjusted her attitude and headed to the school entrance.
"Samantha!" A voice called out. She turned and it was Ellie.
"Hey Ellie." Samantha tried to cover her sniffle with a slight cough. "You look.. Eccentric." She studied Ellie's outfit: a long green skirt, deep oak brown cowboy boots and a "I heart nirvana" long sleeve tee. Samantha held the threw up in her throat. 
"Thank you." Ellie smiled. "Just something I threw on."
I can tell. Samantha thought to herself. She's in need for a total makeover. 
Samantha noticed Ellie staring her up and down.
"What are you looking at?" Samantha squawked. "Is there something on my face?"
"No, I was just staring at your eyes." Ellie replied. "Have you been crying?"
Samantha pulled out her her compact mirror and looked at her reflection. Her blood shot eyes stared back at her saying otherwise.
"We'll have you been smoking?" Ellie asked again.
"No Ellie damn." Samantha shrugged Ellie off her back. Samantha entered in the school halls and made her way to the locker.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to come by after school?" Ellie questioned. "Kirsten and Ava will be there." Kirsten's and Ava's face plopped onto her head. Kirsten's golden locks bounced around and she flashed a quick smile. Ava's deep brown eyes and simple styled brown hair with her terrible split ends put a chill down Samantha's back.
"Sure why not." Samantha gave a fake smile before opening her locker.
"Alrighty then, I'll catch ya later." Ellie shot a smile before walking away.
Samantha pulled out a binder and slammed her locker shut.
"Hey Samantha." Ryan called out as she walked up to her. "Why were you just talking to that loser?"
"Who?" Samantha made a puzzling face. "Ellie?"
"Yes!" Ryan chuckled. "Have you seen what she had been wearing, a totally train wreck."
Samantha gave a fake smile. "She's a friend of mine."
"A friend?" Ryan's jaw dropped. "When you did you become friends with her?"
"About a month ago." Samantha responded. "She's not that bad."
"If you say so." Ryan rolled her eyes. "I don't know why you want to be her friend, she'll just make you look bad."
Look bad? Samantha thought to herself. "She won't."
"If you say so." Ryan gave a annoyed sighed. "Anyways I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out. You know fix our friendship."
"Can't," Samantha responded. "I have plans."
"Lemme guess," Ryan chuckled. "With Ellie."
"Yeah." Samantha mumbled.
Ryan gave another eye roll before walking away. "Ofcourse."
Samantha didn't even entertain Ryan's temper tantrum. She adjusted her bag again before heading to class.

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