21. Pretty Fingers turn to Sticky Fingers

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Ava and Ellie pushed through sets of doors before pushing into the Springshaven High cafeteria. The smell of sweet delights filled their nose as they stood in the chaos of the mass number of kids and judges running around. 

"Do you see her?" Ellie tried to look over all of the people. 

"No not yet." Ava answered. "But I do see someone you aren't going to believe."

"Who?" Ellie asked. Ava pointed to Ryan standing next to her white cake. 

"She has the nerve." Ellie scoffed. The two walked over to Ryan as she talked to some judges. 

"You are something else." Ava said. "You know how much Sammie needs this money."

"Oh so now you call her Sammie." Ryan crossed her arms. The judges gave a concern look but headed off in a different direction. 

"Just another thing you took from me." Ryan said.

"What are you even talking about?" Ellie asked. "Nobody took anything to you."

"You sure?" Ryan spoke. "Before, Samantha didn't even know any of you existed. But now all of y'all are the best of friends. And what about me?"

"You are being so over dramatic." Ava rolled her eyes. "Things changed, and now we have a friendship. Doesn't mean we can't all be her friend."

"Oh please," Ryan sucked her teeth. "You boozoos wouldn't know a thing about a friendship even if it hit you in the face. I'm her real friend."

"What did you just call me?" Ava charged but Ellie grabbed her arm. 

"You heard me," Ryan smirked.

"You really have no heart." Ellie chuckled. "If you were her real friend, you wouldn't be competing against her. Especially if you know her situation."

Ryan gave an annoyed look before turning her back. "who cares about her situation. I have better things to worry about. You can leave now." 

Ellie gripped Ava's arm a little tighter and pulled her away. 

"She's a definition of a true bitch." Ava spoke. 

"Who are you telling," Ellie agreed. A few feet in front of them was Samantha. Her face was stoned with worried and she vigorously bit her nails. 

"Samantha!" Ellie called out. She jumped up like she was in a deep thought. "Hey guys." She gave each a quick hug. "What are you doing here?"

"We are here to support you." Ava smiled. 

"Well there's no point." Samantha mumbled. "It's no way i could win the prize money, not with my mud pie creation." She unravlled the foil showing them her dessert. "Not one judge has come by."

"Well that's nothing to worry about." Ava comforted. "Maybe they are selling the best for last.

"Or maybe the worst." Samantha rolled her eyes. "Did you see Ryan?"

"Oh we already ran into that problem." Ava rolled her eyes. "She's not a true friend."

"I realized that for myself." Samantha sighed. 

"So what are you going to do?" Ellie asked.

"I have a plan but I'm not sure if i want to go through with it." Samantha said. "But I'm going to need your help."

"Okay what is it?" Ava asked.

"I'm going to steal the money." Samantha whispered.

 Both Ava and Ellie gasped as they both couldn't believe what they heard.

"Steal the money?" Ava exclaimed.

"Shhhhh!" Samantha placed her hand over Ava's mouth in hopes that nobody heard her. "It's a just a thought but I just might."

"Well I'm down." Ellie agreed. "It's for a good cause so why not." Both Samantha and Ellie looked at Ava who still had Samantha's hand covering her mouth. Ava rolled her eyes but nodded in agreement. 

The three slipped out of the cafeteria unnoticed before the competition started. They slipped by security with the excuse of "female problems".

"Do you know where they put the money?" Ellie whispered heading into the main hallway. 

"I saw them taking bags back through here when i was registering." Samantha led the way. They entered a hall with classes squatting the whole way. The hid behind a wall where they heard a few whispers. Ava peeked the corner and saw two large men standing in front of a classroom.

"There's two guards." Ava whispered. "We need a plan." 

"Like what?" Ellie asked. An awkward silence crept in and and Ava peeked the corner and the guards were gone. 

"Their gone!" Ava stood. 

"Are you serious?" Ellie rose and then followed by Samantha. The three hesitated but walked to the door. 

"Do you see it?" Samantha pressed her face against the class window. 

"It's right there." Ellie pointed to large bags behind the teacher desk. 

"Its open." Ava already had half her body in the classroom. "They don't lock doors no more." Behind Ava, walked in Samantha and Ellie. Lights off, a cold chill entered in the room. Something was off but Samantha couldn't put her finger on it. 

"Is it just me or should we leave?" Samantha suggested. "I can get the money some other way."

"It's already too late." Ellie scoffed. "We already in here." The three slid behind the desk. The two bags sat under the chair untouched. 

"There it is." Ava sighed. She knelt down, and unzipped the bags. The myriad number single one's sat perfectly fixed. "All this money." 

"Damn." Ellie chuckled. "I might need to get some of this."

Samantha sighed. There it sat, the one thing that could help her mom get back on her feet just a little. "Guys,"

"What?" Ellie turned in her direction. "I hope you aren't chickening out."

"What, no!" Samantha lied. She was scared more then ever. 

What if i get caught? She thought to herself. Taking the money was something but actually getting caught was one thing that put her heart on heavy.

"Samantha grab it." Ellie broke in her thoughts. Samantha's mind jumped back and heard footsteps coming close.

"Shit someone's coming." Ava cursed. Samantha knelt down and stuffed as much money she could get in her bra. 

"Hurry!" Ellie rushed. Samantha's hand moved faster.

"Fuck it, just grab the bag." Ava squealed. Samantha the two nags and headed for the door. The three peaked for a clear exit and dashed out the front door, leaving no trace that they were ever there. 

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