Once Upon A Time

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Everything seemed so perfect in the beginning, the unnatural tanned skins, the sweet smell of Coco Chanel, the perfectly cut grass, nothing seemed off in the town of Springshaven. Wrong, four girls of the name Ellie Steele, Samantha Thorton, Kirsten Reeves, & Ava Moore have had at the worst. Kirsten still investigates on her missing brother and deals with her meltdown at Mayor's Gala, Ava digs deeper into her fathers past that could lead to Big Bang. Samantha gets sticky fingers for the big green and Ellie picks up the habit for mother Mary Jane that leads to an unlawful result. With the twist of significant others, personal demons, and even anonymous threats the girls will try to keep their life maintained. But once their life seems to have some stability there is always something that can bring it up in roar. Come on now, it wasn't going to be that easy.

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