16. Poof I'm Back

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"You did what?" Kirsten exclaimed.
"Yes I stabbed him." Ava cried. "Or her, I don't know what it was." Ava didn't hesitate the next morning to wake Kirsten from long sleep with the phone call of the night before.
"Did y'all call the police?" Kirsten asked.
"Yes," Ava sighed. "But it was no good, the body disappeared."
"Disappeared?" Kirsten asked. "Like vanish? Gone?"
"Yes Kirsten." Ava mumbled. "For a very intelligently girl, you aren't so bright in the AM."
Considering it was before 10 in the morning, she wasn't at her academic peaks.
"Where was your sister last night?" Ava asked.
"I wasn't home remember?" Kirsten said. "I was gone majority of the night."
"Well do you know when she came in?" Ava asked.
"Um.." Kirsten started. When she actually thought about it, she wasn't sure what time Morgan came in. By the time she came home from the dinner she didn't care of she was home or not. "I'm not sure Ava." 
"Are you even going along the plan?" Ava asked.
Kirsten sighed. Ever since of the thought of her sister being their "tormentor", the girls have pressured Kirsten into keeping an eye out for her. "No Ava, I've been busy."
"Busy?" Ava shrieked. "You claim to be busy while your sister could be setting me up for murder or-".
"Calm down Ava." Kirsten interrupted. "My sister isn't even capable of that."
"Well how would you know that?" Ava asked.
"Because I know my sister," Kirsten implied.
"Well not got enough." Ava spoke with a attitude.
"What's that suppose to mean?" Kirsten asked. "What are you trying to imply Ava?"
"That you need to keep an eye out for your sister for everybody's sake. Even yours." Ava scoffed. "I got to go, my dads calling me."
Kirsten hung up the phone and dropped it on her bed.
"Who were you talking to?" A voice made her heart jump. She turned to see Morgan standing in the archway.
"Jesus Morgan, you scared the hell out of me." Kirsten said. "How long were you standing there?" She worried that her sister could of heard where she was accused of torturing her younger sister and her friends. "How long have you been standing there?"
"Not long." Morgan stepped in her room. "Just overheard your conversation and got a little curious." She flopped in the chair that placed in the far corner of Kirsten's room. "Curiosity lets the mind wonder."
"I see." Kirsten headed to her door. "Well i'm about to change out of these clothes so you can leave now." Kirsten gestured her sister to the open door.
"Alright you got it." Her sister jumped on her feet, "Quick question who were you talking to? Seemed pretty intense."
"Nobody important Morgan." Kirsten bit on her lip. Morgan shrugged it off before heading out the room.
"Morgan." Kirsten called.
"What?" Morgan turned back.
"Have you seen my flash drive be any chance?" Kirsten asked. "It has a project that I need to finish."
Morgan stood still before responding. "Not by any chance."
The warm scent of vanilla brushed against Kirsten's nose as she watched her sister flop down the stairs to their living room. Once she was out of sight, Kirsten let out a deep breath and closed the door shut. Letting her back slide against the wood like texture as she mind wandered. She worried the possibility of Morgan actually hearing the conversation with Ava put her heart into hydro-speed. Kirsten slipped on some jeans before heading down the stairs into her living room. Her mother stood behind the kitchen counter brewing a fresh pot of coffee. "Well looks who's up. I was just about to wake you. How did you sleep?"
"Fine." Kirsten murmured as she grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl.
"Well that's good." Her mother responded.
"Mom can I ask you something?" Kirsten chomped a piece out of her Apple. Her mom nodded in agreement.
"Have you seen my flash drive anywhere?"
Her mother jumped like something came out behind her and scared her. "I meant to tell you, I found it in your dad's office."
"Dad's office?" Kirsten made a confused face because she didn't remember ever being in the office with it. "How did it get there?"
"Well how am I suppose to know." her mother answered from the other room. "I found it yesterday before we left for the dinner." Her mother came back and placed her flash drive in front of her. "You need to keep up better with your stuff."
Kirsten grabbed it and headed back for the stairs. In the corner of her eye she watched as her sister gave her a crooked smile from the bathroom mirror that was hidden under the large stairs.

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