"What are you doing?" Niall's Irish voice asked me. I turned around from looking in the box and saw he had a worried look on his face. His blue eyes darted to the box that I had set on the box before I saw in his face he was putting two and two together. I took a step towards the boy, but he just shook his head and rubbed his belly like he was trying to sooth himself in a way.

"You're going to go back to boxing?" He asked me quietly. I shook my head no as if it were just an impulse to deny the question. Niall laughed coldly before walked so the only thing separating us was his belly.

"You're really funny, you know that? You think you can hide the fact you've been squirming for a fight. You think you can pretend like we're not nearly broke without me noticing. Open your eyes, Zayn. Boxing is who you are and you have to go back to it." Niall told me kindly, yet he still sounded done with my shit. I shook my head again, but this time Niall pushed me back and his eyes glossed over with tears.

"I'm scared, Zayn! I'm scared that we'll loose everything because you're too obtuse to think any else but what you've been telling yourself for the past two months! I don't want to go back to Bradford, but with you being stubborn I know we're heading back there!" Niall yelled at me. For the first time in our relationship he actually yelled at me. I thought over his words and found myself getting defensive because his words broke something in me. The word scared.

"I don't want to go back there either, but I know you can't handle watching me or seeing me after the fight. I'm not being stubborn, I'm thinking of you!" I yelled back to him. He shook his head as some of his tears fell, but he quickly wiped them so he could glare at me.

"You're not thinking of me! You're not thinking of anyone but yourself and you don't even see that! The baby is healthy now and I'm allot stronger than I was before. You think that sheltering your family is thinking of us, it's only hurting us. What happened to the man that did whatever it takes?! Where is he now that we're one step away from going back to a place there's no escape?" Niall asked me. I looked at him feeling nothing but hurt by him.

"I'm fucking scared too! I don't want to loose everything because I need to go into the ring again! I don't want to hurt anyone anymore! I don't want to loose the match because then we won't get anywhere farther than where we are now! Don't tell me shit about being selfish when all I've ever done was for you and our baby! You're not proud of me, Niall. You're ashamed of me because I'm scared to get back in that ring and have it confirmed I lost everything!" I yelled at him. I threw the worthless box of trophies and medals across the room before storming out of the room.

"So now you're going to leave? You promised me you wouldn't!" Niall cried to me as I slipped my shoes on and got my car keys. I got to the front door, but couldn't open the door. I could only look at the doorknob before I turned around to see Niall silently sobbing into his hand as the other ran over his belly. Any anger I had in me drained and I found myself walking over to the Irish boy and pulling him in my arms.

"I'm keeping that promise, Niall. I'm sorry for fighting with you. I just need to go out and get some fresh air." I mumbled to him. He hugged me back tightly while our baby kicked lightly at me. Niall's sobs calmed down to little whimpers so I let him go.

"Just come back. We need a break from each other for an hour or so, but please please come back. I can't do this without you." Niall whimpered to me. A few of my own tears fell at his words. I gave him soft kisses as promises that I would come back before he waddled away from me down the hall. I made sure the door to our house was locked before I got in the the car and drove away.

I don't know how long I drove for or how I found myself in a kind of poor area of Cheshire, all I knew was I needed gas in the car before going to work. I had my work clothes in my car so I changed into that when I got to the gas station. I was now wearing black skinny jeans and a black button up shirt instead of sweats and a t-shirt. I filled the car up with gas but noticed I had to go in the gas station to pay. All I did was groan inwardly and get my wallet from the car before walking in the run down place. Honestly, this reminded me of Bradford a little.

Once I payed and even bought Niall a Twix chocolate bar just because I knew that would make him happy, I went outside but say some guy looking in the car. My walking slowed down as I looked at the man that looked like he was homeless with his long dark beard and dirty clothes. He turned around and looked at me, but instead of him looking scared to see me watching him, he looked happy. I just stood there watching the crazy man, getting ready to beat the shit out of him. That was until he laughed a familiar laugh and opened his arms to me.

"That's no way to greet your father, Zayn Javadd." The man said, but the name he called me only made me feel like the four year old boy that took his first beating from his drunken father. Images of the years of abuse I went through passed through my head as I heard the same man yelling my first and middle name at me, telling me I was a mistake and telling me I was worthless. I felt every cigarette burn that was placed in my skin that was now covered up by tattoos. I looked at the man and realized exactly who he was, and it was no one I ever wanted to be.

"Leave me the fuck alone before I repay all the damage you did to me for years." I warned the man in a tone dripping with hatred. He just laughed and took fast steps to me. He looked over my face before sighing.

"Look, I know I was a shit father and your mum kind of hated you, but I need help. I know you're rich and stuff and I need money. I tired getting in contact with that fancy coach of yours, but no one responded to me. So I'm here now. No hard feelings from the past. I just need money and maybe I can meet my grandchild." The man told me happily. That was all it took for me to punch him in the stomach, then throw a nice left hand punch to the nose to hear that sickening crack.

"You weren't a father so you definitely won't be a grandfather. I'm not giving you any damn money. You didn't raise me or do anything that I need to pay you back for. The only thing you did for me was ruin me. Do you remember how you would bring your drunk friends over to watch me cry as you beat me? Where are they now to watch you on the other end of things? They're nowhere because no one stays with someone that isn't worth it. Rot in hell." I told the man and punched him one more time before pushing him to get out of my way. I got in my car and saw he was looking at me with the same look of disgust he's always looked at me with. I took a deep breath before slowly driving off.

I didn't end up going in to work because I had made up my mind. I went straight home to my loving fiancé and my growing baby. I walked into the house and it was dark and quiet. I was expecting it because it was now midnight. I just walked down the hall until I was in our bedroom. Niall was curled up in the blankets in our bed, so I stripped off my clothes and climbed in with him. He was wearing one of my big shirts and when my hand brushed over his bum I could feel he was also wearing panties.

I kissed his forehead lovingly as he woke up just a little bit. His sleepy blue eyes looked at me and I felt in my heart that I was make the right choice. That meet up with my so called father was nothing because I'm a better man than he ever could have shown me to be because I can and will provide for my family. Nothing could happen to possibly change my mind. Not anymore, my family needs this. Niall was right.

"I'm going to fight Liam Payne..."

A/N: I couldn't sleep so I wrote a thing... haha How tall are you!?!?!??! Comment / Vote!
- Bri;)

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