VHope: Spill

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prompt: Ink Blotch

Taehyung regrets a lot of choices in his life. Today was no exception.

You see, he had an assignment due in two minutes and eighteen seconds and fifty three nanoseconds. Thanks to playing Mario kart all night with his friend Jin, it struck like thunder in the morning to him that he was yet to do Professor Im Jaebum's assignment. The same professor who was cutely nickname "Im J-ust say goodbye to your-bum".

Now the life choice he was even more severely regretting right now was his choice of pens. He was rushing to school in the morning, and accidentally took with him his crappiest pen. It was leaking on his hand, making smudge marks on the paper, and stopping in every five words. Taehyung's frustration level and fear combined to want to send the pen to a concentration camp, if it were possible; because surely he'll be sent to one first by Professor Im.

"Chillax Taehyung, you're on the last question. You're sweating out all the water you drank in the last two days," Yoongi yawned. Sweatdrops were decorating the corner of the sheet as he continued to solve the hardest question he had read all his life.

He was done with it with only 20 seconds remaining. Only he had to write the answer "24,6302" when he pen stopped at the figure 0.

"God dammit!," Taehyung wailed, and jerked his pen with all his strength in the air, desperate to get the ink going. Immediately he brought it back and scribbled on the paper. Fortunately, the ink worked.

Unfortunately, Taehyung didn't notice the cafeteria was deathly silent all of a sudden.

"Yes," he exclaimed, as he capped the pen back, and looked at Yoongi, who was taking audible gulps and staring at someone at a distance.

"Yo, are you again gawking at that Jimin ki--," he followed his line of vision, and his heart stopped.

His entire system shut down.

There stood Jung Hoseok, the kid you would term as a "bad boy who no one would mess with but all want to bang with", with such an angry, puffed up expression on his face, you could almost see steam coming out of his ears. He was taking angry heavy breaths, and his hands were curled into fists which was very visible to everyone.

Taehyung's eyes traced a thin line of ink from his nose, down to his neck, and a huge blotch on his white, white T-shirt, underneath that classic leather jacket. The ink was green.

His pen's ink was green.

Taehyung knew he would die someday, but by the hands of the guy he was kind of sort of maybe no actually really a lot in-fucking-love with, all because of a crappy pen, wasn't very clear in his extremely vivid imaginations staring them both together.

Taehyung really regrets a lot of choices in his life.

"You," Hoseok says from his gritted teeth,"Are--,"

"I'M SO SORRY SUNBAE," Taehyung fell to his feet, clutching them tightly. Probably if it was anyone else, everyone would've laughed but it was freakin Hoseok and no one was daring to even breath. "I DIDN'T KNOW THE PEN WAS LEAKING. I'M SO SORRY. I'LL BUY YOU A NEW ONE--- OUCH!,"

Taehyung screamed as he was straightened by his collar. "I want this shirt only," Hoseok says, his beautiful /scary/ brown eyes staring past his shivering soul. "You, are going to clean it, NOW!,"

He drags Taehyung out of the cafeteria, and leads him in the hallway to the boys washroom. Taehyung wants Hoseok to kill him with his beautiful hands than dunk his face into in a toilet- which is what he's expecting is going to happen.

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