VHope: Worry

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prompt: Nothing because you guys don't send me one.

Chill its 'acting'

"Eat this," Taehyung coos, holding a soup spoon in front of Hoseok, laden with chicken soup.

Hoseok smiles. "You just fed me half hour ago, Tae; I'm not hungry. Chill."

Taehyung still looks at him worriedly. "Oh, okay," he looks around, distracted. He places the bowl of soup on the table in front of him."Do you want some blankets?," he asks, his eyes wide with worry and concern. "Do you want something to drink? You want to play something? You want to---,"

Hoseok cut him off but hugging him by his waist. "Calm down Tae-ah, it was just acting."

Ever since BTS had shot the 'I Need You' MV, Taehyung had been extra worried. Seeing the love of his life so hopeless, so fatigued, so, so empty in his eyes made his chest throb and anxiety fill his whole being. He simply couldn't ever think of Hobie like this- Dull, given up, lost.

Hobi was made of sunshine, the sweet smell of freshly cut grass, the dreams of a naive child, the bubbles of a new soap. His tears, whether happy or sad, struck Taehyung in the place were it hurt the most- literally his soul. He couldn't even imagine Hobi the way he acted that day.

And now he's just frantic that he's seen a side of Hobi which he never ever wants to see again. He wonders if Hobi was ever like this- when the competition to get into the company was tough, when manager-hyung used to yell at him, when they used to make fun of his long face, all the times he wasn't with him. It made him feel guilty right to his core- he remembered each time he teased him, every time he yelled at him, just every time he did something that must have made Hobi cry.

The image of Hobi fainting in the middle of the highway was just embedded so deeply in his mind.

Hobi noticed him in his deep thoughts, and chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"Taehyung-ah~, tell me something."


"Will you ever cheat on me?,"

"No! Of course not!,"

"Will you ever hate me?,"

"That's impossible!," spat Taehyung. "Never!,"

"Will you ever hate my existence?,"

"What rubbish!," Taehyung exclaimed. "Your existence is the reason of my existence!,"

Hobi chuckles. "The last question," he says, thinkingly. "Will you ever leave me?,"

Taehyung gulps. He looks back into Hobi's eyes, but inside he's shaking all over.

"N-no. N-never,"

"Then there is no reason I'll be like that!," Exclaims Hobi. "When the person I love so much will never cheat on me, never hate me, and most importantly, never leave me, how will I become the person I acted out?,"

Taehyung laughs back nervously. He pockets the positive cancer report deeper into his pocket.

"O-of course. I love you."


"The sky is blue and the sun is shining
So my tears are even more noticeable"

It'll be only after two years, when Hoseok is laying on the highway, overdosed on drugs, when he can feel nothing, only the sun shining on his face and no pain shearing his chest, no memories of good times returning, no nightmares of a funeral and a casket closing, will he remember this exchange, and he'll feel the effect of all the pills he took fade away as the pain comes back in full force.

He'll feel his arms wrapped around a familiar thin waist which no longer exists, he'll remember the smell of vanilla and Musk and candy and he'll remember orange hair crowding his vision but he'll only remember and never relive those moments, no matter how much he wishes--

He lets out a sob, now laying in a fetal position in the middle of the road.

I wish I asked you if you would ever lie to me, Tae.


Sucky angst because I need You really depressed me like hell. I love you all. Leave comments and votes and VHope will be sunshine again toodles.

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