VHope: Proclamation

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prompt: sticky notes

Warning: loads of booty. Seriously.

Taehyung's eyebrow is twitching, and Seokjin knows he's mad as fuck.

The latter follows Taehyung's line of vision (he can almost see lasers coming out of it) to see Jung Hoseok, a second year, smiling tightly to a girl who's cleavage is visible seven lockers away.

Seokjin knows Taehyung has a thing for Hoseok, but right now if looks could burn, Taehyung was deep frying the girl with extra barbeque sauce.

"Tae," he begins slowly," He is a handsome kid. And openly bisexual. What are you expecting? Everyone is horny in college,"

Taehyung looks like he's going to lash out, but then he holds himself back, grabs his bag, and moves towards Hoseok. "Not everyone looks for a fuck."

As he passes by Hoseok, he gives him such a stink eye that Hoseok shuts up and the sunshine and rainbows making a halo behind him all turn dull and depressed.

Seokjin realises he needs to stop watching anime so much.



"Fuck off,"

"I couldn't say no to her, she's my senior, babe!,"

"Oh, so the fuck business is done already?,"

"TaeTae," Hoseok sighs, and sits next to the angry lad. "You know I would never cheat on you. But I can't stop everyone who wants to talk to me."

"Hoseok, there's this big difference between talking and flirting," Taehyung rolls his eyes. "Are you ashamed of me? Don't you want to tell everyone---,"

"Of course I want to!," Hoseok screams out. "It's just that, I don't know how--,"

Taehyung is about to say something when Hoseok's fellow classmate Park Jimin shoots out of nowhere and crowds Hoseok.

"Hoseokiieee," he exclaims, as he pinches Hoseok's cheeks, and then slides his hand down slowly overly Hoseok's exposed arms," Join me in the studio at six? We have a---,"

Taehyung sighs behind, grabs his stuff and leaves. Jimin's words are muted as Hoseok watches in despair, to see the person he loves so much being so disappointed with him.

He pushes Jimin's hands away as he turns to his bag. Jimin is still talking animatedly and touching his hair. Hoseok puts in his stationary and books into his bag, when suddenly a pack of sticky notes drop from his pencil case.

A thunderbolt strikes Hoseok, and he promptly puts a sticky note on Jimin's lips and tells him to shut up.


"Hey, gorgeous,"

Taehyung can't help but blush at his hyung's words, but he still refuses to speak to him. They're a few blocks away from college when suddenly Hoseok smacks his butt.


Taehyung whacks out a scream, and Hoseok behind grins like a cat. "What the fuck, hyung?!," Taehyung screams. Hoseok just checks out his butt again, smirks and kisses Taehyung's cheek. "That booty was asking for it. I gotta run, my classes start early today. Take care," he says, and presses a small kiss to Taehyung's lips.

Taehyung stares at the retreating figure of his hyung, his heart beating fast and his butt feeling sore. But he feels happy that his boyfriend likes his booty, and sashays his butt into the college hallways.

As he passes, whispers behind him die. He's still walking unaware, when suddenly a guy pops near him. "Hey bud, congratulations! You and Hoseok must look great!,"

Taehyung is stunned. He stops on his tracks, and looks at the guy with huge eyes. The guy smiles and moves away, and Taheyung wonders how he got to know the news.

"Taehyung!," Soorin, a chirpy girl from his class came to him now. "You and Hoseok are my OTP from now on! So cute!," she pinches his cheeks, and walks away.

Taehyung doesn't know how Hoseok managed his shit, but by the time he crosses the mere hallway, everyone in his class knows he and Hoseok are an item.

"Congrats dude!,"

"How big is his dick?,"

"How many times have you banged him!,"

"Is he good in bed?,"

"Were you the ones behind the court?,"

"Dang it, I wanted to bang you so bad!,"

"Can I have your boyfriend just for one night?,"

Seokjin isn't wrong. Kids are horny as fuck.


When he reaches the cafeteria and sits next to Seokjin, who's smiling ear to ear.

"So you've been banging Hoseok, huh?,"

"There's this thing called being in a proper relationship, ok?," Taehyung groans, even though inside he's bursting balloons and sparkles because he's happy Hoseok has procalimed him as his own and how he managed to get all the 2000+ people in this college to know is just crazy but he's so so so happy he's going to pounce on Hoseok----

"Yeah dude, I got the idea, you can shut up now."

Taehyung blushes because he didn't realize he was blabbering what he was thinking.

"Hey, you still don't know how he spread the news?,"

Taehyung shakes his head in a firm no.

Seokjin laughs. "Get up, and turn around," he says, and Taehyung wonders what the fuck does Seokjin want to do with his backside. He does what he's told and is swiftly called back.

"Here," Seokjin breaths in between giggles.

A huge neon pink heart shaped sticky note, with the words "JUNG HOSEOK'S PROPERTY" was in his hands.

"Plastered right on your ass," Seokjin says, when he finally stops laughing. "He's a fucking genius, seriously."

Taehyung can't help but marvel Hoseok. He does love that batshit genius boyfriend of his.


A few weeks later, Hoseok wakes up in the morning next to an equally naked Taehyung. He smiles at the cute sight in front of him (his TaeTae pressed to his pillow, mouth open and drooling a bit) and tucks the blanket around him.

He quietly goes to the washroom, where he takes his clothes along. Only when he turns to see his naked booty in the full body mirror behind him does he see it.

"KIM TAEHYUNG'S PROPERTY" is written in a black marker ink, and Hoseok doesn't know whether to laugh at this inevitable free tattoo or cry that it actually looks good on him like any other Hickey.

He just shrugs, and pulls his shorts up.



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